Chapter⭐17: Subclass

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"Are you catching up, brat?"

"Y-You guys walk too fast..."

"It's gonna be a problem if he can't keep up, perhaps I'll assist."

"Don't waste your powers on some worthless human."

"After knowing the truth, you still say that...?"

'Damn... My body is getting weaker... I'll die if I don't-'


"We're almost there."

"Where the hell do you think you're taking me...? I'm getting tired..."

"I told you, the details will come later."

"When is later...?"


"You..." Tsubaki continued glaring at Makoto. "...were never considered a subclass of mine!"

"Ehh? But you saved my life, right? I'm your subclass. And by the way, I never thanked you for that so thank you!" He smiles at the ravenette.

"Tch... let me go! What is this device anyway?"

"Hm? Oh, this? Well..." Makoto smirked. "It's an unfinished masterpiece created by C3. Amazing, right? Having been used for something as glorious as this... it must be an honor!"

"C3...?! How did you-"

"-Manage to obtain it? Simple." Makoto places his index finger against his lips. "Maybe you haven't noticed, but we've been surrounded by all these toys that look like something used for vampires. I thought you could guess where we are."

"Don't tell me..." Tsubaki's eyes went wide. "We're..."

"Biiiiiiingo! We are in fact, in one of C3's abandoned headquarters!" Makoto points at the huge metal ring that has Tsubaki restrained at the middle of it. "And that device is an unfinished masterpiece created by C3. Do you even know how much of an honor it is to be used for that thing? Enjoy it, will ya~?" He grins as he closes his eyes.

"Unfinished...? What does that- Nevermind. What are you planning to do to me, you traitor?"

"Hm? Oh. Right, I guess the patient needs to know about the operation, huh?" He crosses his arms. "Well, the truth is..." As Makoto's eyes opened, his left eye was emerald green, while eye to his right was purely scarlet in color. "I'm going to make everyone who knows of your existence to... Ah, I'll just be blunt about it...die."

"What...?" Tsubaki mutters, then his soft voice turned into loud screams. "WHAT?!?!" He continued to try escaping, but to no avail, he failed.

"I'd rather die than let you hurt anybody else, Makoto!" He shouts.

"Haha. But then, what will be the fun in that? That'd be boring, don't you think?" Makoto laughs.

"Tsubaki, the Servamp of Melancholy, towards his subclasses, he jokes around most of the time, but he actually listens to their requests. It takes time for him to agree but not a single one of his subclasses have been ignored by him. One, though, is an exception." Makoto thought about Sakuya and shrugged.

"But that's what we subclasses believe, Tsubaki. We believe in the master who kept us alive and standing. We believe in the person who said he wouldn't betray anyone. So won't you please listen to my request and die for me?" He smiled, freakishly.

"This must be the most boring story I've ever heard from you, Makoto...!" Tsubaki tries to catch his breath, keeping his eyes on Makoto.

"Makoto Kurota is NOT one of my subclasses!



Makoto suddenly froze when he saw something... no, someone coming out of nowhere and landed on the top of the ring. He was carrying a glowing blue spear. A black jacket, a red shirt, and black pants. Brown hair and round amber eyes.

Makoto's shocked face disappeared and replaced with a smile. "Oh? If you're here, then..." he turns around and sees the whole gang, adding Tsubaki's most trusted accomplices, ready to fight with their weapons.

"My, my." Makoto notices the people working for him. "You guys were dumb enough to set them all free? How disappointing. You betrayed me too?"

Shamrock stepped up, pulling his glove a little. "We never intended to side with a disgrace such as you. We wanted the young master safe and sound. That was our motive from the very beginning, you see."

"Sorry Makyuun~!" Belkia sticks his tongue out.

"Ahh, so you guys acted towards me. I understand." Makoto said. "I wasn't fully prepared for a betrayal but I'll do my best to fight." He snaps his fingers and a red forcefield appeared, creating a wall around the metal ring. Mahiru was inside the field, together with Tsubaki. The others were outside, keeping their eyes on Makoto. "So gimme aaa~ll you've got."
"Roar." They all charged with Kuro as the lead.

"Haaa, this brings so many memories." Makoto only lightly smiled as he watched them aim towards him.


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