Chapter⭐6: Thoughts

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"So that's how you all managed to destroy the poor Mirror House?" Hugh tilted his head. "Then I'm even gladder that I did not participate. It would have been difficult for me to escape if that were the case." He sighed, relieved.

"And we shall all blame it on..." Misono stood up and pointed at Licht and Hyde, who were looking away from each other. "THESE TWO IDIOTS!"

"Tch." The pianist scoffed. "If you're gonna put the blame on someone, put it on this. DAMN..." He kicks Hyde, causing him to hit the wall with a grunt. "...DEMON!"

"Ow!" Hyde grits his teeth and rubs his head. "What the hell, Lich-tan?! It's because this idiot..." The blonde points at Tsubaki, who was yawning. "...didn't inform us about Mahiru's separation!"

"Don't blame me, blame yourself and big brother 7 for not noticing sooner. If there were idiots in that situation, it would've been you two." Tsubaki said.

"What?!" Hyde slams his hand on the table.

"Now, now, let's stop the blame game, shall we?" Lily waves his hand, trying to calm them down. "Can we just agree that everything was just a tragic disaster for us?"

"It's a disaster for whoever is gonna pay for replacing the Mirror house though..." Kuro joined in the conversation. He was currently at the corner of the room, resting on a pillow while in his cat form.

Everyone looks at Misono.

"What the hell are you bastards looking at?" The short boy glares.

"Misono, well... Kuro is right. We have to pay for what we damaged..." Lily laughs.

"Ha!" Misono stands up and held his head high, crossing his arms. "Before you idiotic bastards started bickering, I went ahead and made the arrangements for building a new Mirror House in advance. Haha! I guess you just didn't expect that, now did you? See, I'm responsible!"

"Oh, if that's the case, then I'm good." Hyde said.

"Yes, there is no reason to fight anymore." Hugh nods.

"Then I, the angel, can just relax in this fragment heaven sent down on us for comfort." Licht hugs a pillow.

"Such a pain... Bastard-chan can just pay the bill like it's nothing." Kuro rolled around.


"We all knew we could count on you so no." Hyde waves his hand around, lazily.

"C-Count on me...? W...Well! Uh... that's just... to be expected! And yeah..." Misono blushes and looks out the window.


etsu turns his head to Mahiru, who had his mouth shut all this time. He wasn't particularly staring at something either. Maybe the brunette was just lost in thought or whatnot.

"Big Bro Mahiru?" The blonde taps Mahiru's shoulder. It took a while before he could snap back into reality to speak back. "A-Ah, yeah? What is it, Tetsu?"

"Are you okay? You've been spacing out ever since we came back here." Tetsu said.

"Oh, uh... It's nothing. Don't worry about me." Mahiru lightly smiled. And of course, Tetsu was able to see through it almost right away. It wasn't just nothing.

"Actually..." The brunette stood up. "I feel like going to the bathroom for a bit." With slow steps, he headed out of the room, leaving everyone confused.

"Nii-san. Something's off with that kid. Isn't he usually the happy-go-lucky type of person?" Hyde ponders.

"I don't know..." Kuro was worried. Maybe something happened to Mahiru? But even if it did, Kuro would be clueless about it.

Tetsu stood up, Hugh followed, they both went towards the door.

"Hey, hey, hey, where are you two going?" Misono asked.

Tetsu faces him with the usual straightforward face. "Obviously, follow him to make sure he's okay." He said.

"Don't go on your own without saying anything, you idiots. We want to check up on him too." The purple-haired boy goes beside the blonde. Lily turns into a butterfly and rests on his Eve's shoulder.

"Well, it would be heartless of us to ignore the poor guy so maybe we'll join you too." Hyde grins, pulling Licht's arm. "Aren't we, Lich-tan~?"

"Let go of me you damn demon!" Licht roughly yanks his arm back and glares at Hyde, but they still followed the others.

"You too, Sloth- huh?" Misono was going to call Kuro but didn't see him in the room. "When did he-"

"He went ahead as a cat right after I stood up, I think." Tetsu said.

"Fine. And I guess we have to invite Tsubaki too- HUH?" Once again, the person he was looking for was nowhere to be seen. "WHERE IS HE?"

Hugh points at the window. Misono looked and saw it opened. The curtains were swaying at the gentle wind coming from outside.

"How fast are those two...?!"


Tsubaki was at the riverbank, laying down on the grass. He looked as bored as ever and he didn't care about anything else as he just stared at the clear sky.

"Ahh, to think... Shirota Mahiru mistook me for Nii-san." He rolled over to the side. "It would've been funny and entertaining if it happened to some other two people but it happened between me and my Eve. Instead of funny, it actually stung a bit..."

Tsubaki saved Mahiru from the Mirror House but right after Tsubaki spoke, the brunette just kept quiet until they met up with the others.

"Seriously, hasn't that lowly human ever heard of a thank you? Jeez, this is so boring I don't even know why I insist on thinking about it..." He covered his eyes with his arm. "Honestly, maybe I should be complaining about why I rescued him in the first place... I needed Shirota Mahiru dead so why did I-"

'Tsubaki, please remember these four words...'

"Sensei....? Why are you..."


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