Chapter⭐15: Confusion

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"W-Who are you..?" Mahiru sweats, stepping back. He was very close to crying after witnessing such a scene.

- - - - - - was on the floor, bleeding to death. A person standing above him with blood-stained clothes.

Mahiru's eyes started to mist over, trembling because he couldn't do anything. "WHY ARE YOU HURTING HIM?!" He screamed.

The suspect stared at the boy blankly before curling their lips into a wretched smile.

"Do you not know who I am, Mahiru...?"

"You know, it makes me sad that you don't remember me..."

"Really, really sad..."

"But... it doesn't matter now..."

They raised a bloody knife and pointed it at the little brunette, who fell backwards from the fright.


"N-NO!" Mahiru closed his eyes shut, waiting for the pain to come.


Mahiru slowly opened his eyes.

"In the end... what actually happened..?" He muttered.



"Hey, you okay?" Kuro sounded worried. Mahiru was asleep for quite a while. He stopped responding to Kuro's calls so he thought something bad happened to Mahiru or something.

"I'm fine... it's just that these memories keep popping up inside my mind." Mahiru said. "I'm confused too. I keep seeing them. But I don't remember ever experiencing these events... It's weird."

"What, like the incident with that Sakuya friend of yours..? Such a pain."

"Yeah... just like what happened with Sakuya. But it feels different somehow. I feel as if these are real memories. I'm not sure, though."

"So troublesome... I can't tell you how to deal with something like that." Kuro said.


"After all, I've never experienced something like memory tampering." Kuro said.

The scene changes to where Sloth is. Every face of the room was white. The walls, the ceiling, and the floor.

There wasn't anything inside the place. Except Kuro and the strings he's secured with. And a black metal choker around his neck. A door was nowhere to be found. He isn't exactly sure how to get out. Or if there was an option for that anyway.

"Memory tampering?" Mahiru asked.

Kuro sighed. "Uh... like... taking or giving memories to a person. That kind of thing only works on humans. Not vampires... Anyway, what kind of things did you see..?"

"Um... There's this guy who always appears in every single one. His voice was almost inaudible. And his face was always blurry, I can't seem to make it out clearly. My mom appeared a couple of times. And the most recent one I've had was..."

Mahiru closes his eyes and sees the scene from the back of his eyelids. "....really... bloody."

"Bloody?" Kuro raised an eyebrow. "What a pain... I can't handle the sight of blood."

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