Dreams Do Come True

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Josh's eyes were shut tight as he struggled awake, head lolling from side to side, a strange warm feeling deep in the pit of his stomach. He felt some sort of pressure between his legs and finally he opened his eyes, feeling, hands?

Two hands gripping his thighs.

There was a certain sensation Josh hadn't felt since high school, down below, and he could see the sheets bulged up, a round object underneath.

His own hands carefully hovered above the lump, a soft erotic sort of groan rolled off his tongue.

Josh ripped the covers back to reveal Tyler, the entirety of Josh inside his mouth. Josh gasped loudly, hand immediately moving to grip Tyler's hair, unsure wether to pull him off or to let him continue, too many emotions flooding his system.

Rage and confusion conflicting eachother, pooling in a whirlpool and dragging Josh down with it.

He looked up to Josh, batting his eyelashes, looking innocent even with a cock stuffed down his throat, Josh gulped, watching intently yet fuelled with boiling blood.

"What are you doing?" Josh questioned harshly, keeping his voice at an angry whisper. Tyler smiled and wiggled his shoulders slightly, pulling his mouth off for a split second to answer.

"Nothing Joshy," he blatantly lied and continued to please him, Josh felt wrong, knowing he shouldn't want this, yet still allowing it to happen.

"Wait, Tyler..." Josh huffed and let his head fall back into the pillow. "Fuck.."

How had Tyler gotten into his room? Why was he doing what he was doing?

Questions burned and bubbled inside him but Josh didn't do a thing to stop Tyler, gasping at a slight higher pitch than usual, mumbling curses under his breath, unsure whether he was cursing at Tyler or cursing at the amazing work his mouth was preforming.

He lets his fingers run through Tyler's hair, matting it, pulling together some coherent thought for when this was over, scolding Tyler, but considering possibly forgiving him.

The twos hands on each thigh grip a little tighter, Josh wincing at a sharp feeling the base of his cock.

When he looks back down, the soft, cute hands that were on each thigh were a dirty black and stained his skin, the ink like mess seeping into his pores.

Tyler looked up, eyes red, eyes hungry, violent. Josh tried to scream but nothing came out, he could only stare.

"What's wrong?" Said the not-Tyler in a deep, terrifying voice. Josh went to wiggle away and move, but the not-Tyler held him down, and moved his hand across Josh's stomach quickly.

Josh didn't feel or even see it at first, but when the blood started to spew from his stomach, and he saw the glinting metal in not-Tyler's hand, Josh finally screamed as he felt dirty hands and sharp finger nails dig deep into his wound.

Josh sat deadbolt upright, sweat dripping from his nose as it started at his forehead, every inch of him drenched in pure fear

He looked around his room, he was alone, and it was only a dream. The time was in the AM and Josh's breathing slowed, yet something unsettling was swimming in his subconscious.

There was something wrong, with Tyler. Josh could feel it, he really wanted to not care and fall back asleep but everything in his being screamed and told him to move, to go see Tyler, because no matter how much Josh tries to convince himself otherwise, he loved the strange frail boy, one who spoke in soft sentences and nods and shrugs.

He flung himself out of bed and got dressed as quickly as he could, rushing down the hall, trying to be quite as he could, Jordan still perched on the couch.

"Hey! Didn't tell you before but I like your hair and where the hell do you think you're going?" Jordan stood, blocking Josh's hurry.

"Jordan, please move, this is serious," Josh's breathing is somewhat shaky, Jordan looking proper confused.

"What's going on Josh?"

"It's Tyler, I, I had this dream that he was in my bed,"

"Ah yes, I too often dreamt of my ex," Jordan smiles cheekily.

"No it wasn't good, it was bad, real bad, soo gotta go, right now," Josh pushes Jordan but to no avail.

"Moms not gonna be happy," he states.

"I don't care! Please!" Josh manages to shove past him, flying out the front door, breaking into a sprint as soon as his feet touch the grass.

"Be careful!" Jordan calls, Josh pouring all his energy into sprinting as fast as he possibly could, air ripped from him, chest burning and heart thumping harder than ever.

Josh couldn't tell if it was from nerves, fear or lack of exercise.

So he ran.

He ran harder and faster than he had ever run before, feet blurring into one line, Josh completely disregarding the fact there were even roads around.

As he reached the last street, and spied the last house right at the end, Josh stopped, leaning against a lamp post to try and catch some sort of oxygen.

When his breathing was somewhat stable, Josh headed down the road slower this time, stare fixated on the last house, lights still burning bright.

Approaching with upmost care, unsure emotions showing themselves, Josh draws closer, starting to rethink this whole trip, a sick, twisting in his gut.

He had no idea what to expect once he set foot on that house.

Perhaps Tyler would jump out and stab him up, perhaps he would find Tyler with his packets of medication scattered around.

He wanted neither of those things, trodding up the porch steps, the extra board, Jordan's board, still leaning against the wall, completely untouched.

Josh's gaze makes it way to the front door, slightly ajar.

There's a a familiar feeling to this situation as he pushes the door open, leaves and dirt, so many dirty piles of junk worse than when Josh had only just met Tyler.

"Tyler?" Josh calls out quietly, awaiting a response.

Nothing but deep laughter echoes through the house, Josh shivers, listening to the soft talking coming from upstairs, sometimes a burst of giggling wafts through the air.

Josh can't see a thing, but the moonlight outside gives some sort of glow in the room.

He looks down, tiny shiny puddles on the steps, some are bigger than others, Josh prays it's not what he thinks it is.

Josh stares at them, bile rising in his throat when he hears Tyler giggle again, the density too thick to be water, Josh cautiously leaning down to touch one droplet, a thick gooey substance clings to his skin, Josh holds back the feeling to be sick.

He knows what this is, so he rushes up the stairs, the substance feeling warm on his skin.


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