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Josh woke with his heart thumping, being rudely ripped from his slumber, the duvet thrown over his head, a loud thumping exiting his room.

Was that someone, running?

He sputters slightly, fighting the blankets to try and free himself, once finally uncovered, Josh looks for Tyler and finds him absolutely no where in his bedroom.

He abruptly sits up straight, the red jeans still crumpled on the floor, so with a painful exhale, Josh lays back down.

Josh lays there's for a moment, dazed from the sudden awakening, the banging footsteps and a missing Tyler.

Unaware, just down the hall, locked in the bathroom, Tyler was having his own awakening, sitting on the floor, urgently trying to get his boxers to sit normal, staring down at himself. He didn't know what it meant, what it was,  no matter what Tyler tried it wouldn't go away, reminders in his mothers voice telling him to never ever do anything with such a ridiculous urge, God would punish anyone who did.

Josh tucked his hands under his head, waiting for Tyler to return, wondering why he had flown out of the room.

Was Tyler still in the house?

Josh decided to get up and put his pants on to search for Tyler, groggily wandering down the hall with a yawn, the back of one hand aggressively rubbing his eye, out into the kitchen, his mother cooking something for breakfast.

"Good morning," Josh speaks through his yawn, standing in the middle of the dining room.

Laura stops and looks at him, an awkward smile on her face when she spots the missing shirt, fly and button undone on his pants.

"Yes, goodmorning," she clears her throat. "Do me a favour and make yourself decent," she gestures to his pants, Josh looking down and practically jumping and fumbling to do up his pants.

"I promise that's not what it looks like I just put these on," Josh tries to explain, realising what he had just insinuated. "No wait, wait no that's, I was wearing underwear-"

"Josh, stop, please," Laura raises a hand to silence her son.

Josh sighs, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"So, you lied to me Joshua,"

"Wait what about?" Josh stares at his mother, confused.

"About you and Tyler,"

Josh swallows thickly.

"Okay well, first, last night," Josh searches for the right words. "So last night, that was the first time Tyler and I had done anything like that, but we didn't, 'sleep', together last night," Josh emphasises the word 'sleep'.

Laura listens but has her back turned to her son.

"It's not like that mom it was a few too many drinks, I think,"

"You know," Laura turns around, sighing. "I'm happy for you Joshua, I really am. I'm not going to judge you for whatever you do with Tyler. But try not to come out here like, that," she gestures at his body.

Josh freezes and stares at his mother in disbelief.

"You're okay with this?"

"Bill wouldn't have been mad, so I can't be either," Laura notions for him to come over and give her a hug, so thats exactly what Josh does, embracing his mother tightly.

"Have you see Tyler?" Josh pulls back, Laura shaking her head.

"I did hear someone go into the bathroom earlier, it could've been Tyler," Laura shrugs, turning back to the oven.

"Okay I'll go, check," Josh points to the hallway with his thumbs, spinning on his heel to head back down the way he came.

Jordan exits his room before Josh can reach the bathroom.

"Hey stud how's that hangover treating you?" He knocks Josh with his elbow, Josh rolling his eyes.

"Don't have one, but I bet you do," Josh slaps the back of his head, Jordan jolting forward.

"How dare you I am sensitive," Jordan smiles. "You know who else might be sensitive today?" Jordan waggles his brows at the bathroom door. Josh scrunches his face up.

"Nope," Josh replies and Jordan raises one brow.

"He's been in there awhile my bromosexual bruv, you sure you didn't break those skinny legs and hips?"

Josh visibly cringes, waving a hand for Jordan to stop talking.

"Not sure why you want us to do it so bad, but I can assure you right now, nothing happened," Josh reassures, knocking on the door. "Scram weirdo," Josh pushes his brother away.

"Alright broski have fun," Jordan smashes Josh into the door with his hip, wandering down the hall singing something so loudly that Laura yells at him to be quiet.

Josh hisses and rubs at his hip, glaring at his brother, turning back to the door.

"Ty?" Josh calls out softly. "Can I come in? Are you okay?"

There's no response, so Josh begins to open the door, hoping he doesn't walk in on anything private.

Tyler, sitting on the toilet seat, cradled his knees to his chest, snaps his gaze up to Josh.

"Hey you okay? What's up, what are you doing?" Josh stands in the doorway, Tyler's eyes frightened and darting around to find something to hold onto.

"I need to go," Tyler uncurls, quickly hurrying back to Josh's room, beginning to gather up his clothes. Josh rushes after him.

"Hey," Tyler pauses as he pulls his shirt on. Josh doesn't have anything else to say, only uncomfortably standing there and watching as Tyler buttoned up his jeans, pulling his jumper on.

Tyler pushes past Josh, not expecting everyone to be sitting at the dining table when he hurried out into the kitchen.

"Tyler Broseph my man! Good morning, how's your head Fred?" Jordan yells out, Tyler looking quite startled by the names and confusing phrasing.

He can only stutter and repeat himself slightly.

"Thankyou for inviting me over Laura, and letting me stay but I need to go home now," Tyler politely states.

"Oh you're not staying for breakfast?" She looks sad but Tyler knows there's two things currently wrong, someone beginning to take a solid form again and he needs to get home.


"No I'm sorry I-" Josh's hand grabs his arm from behind, turning him around.

"What's wrong?" He whispers in Tyler's ear, but Tyler pulls away.

"I'll see you later," Tyler begins to speedily head out the front door. Josh follows him, trying to catch his hand.

Once Tyler is out the front, Josh eventually catches him, trying to get something out of him.

"Don't touch me," Tyler half pushes Josh away, stepping back slow. "Please, please don't touch me,"

Josh, no words, scrambles to come up with something.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry if it was last night, I shouldn't-"

"Shut up!" Tyler raises his voice, squeezing his eyes closed. "It wasn't you okay?" Tyler begins to step back again.

"Was it the kiss?"

Tyler ignores him, trying to head home.

"Do you even know your way home?" Josh tries to follow him down the driveway, Tyler trying his best to keep marching forward. "Please just talk to me Tyler,"

Again the words ricochet off his ears and Tyler keeps on, breaking into a light jog before full out sprinting down the road, tears filling his eyes, blurring his vision as he bolted down the street.

Josh can only stand at the bottom of his driveway, staring at the figure disappearing into the distance.

"What the hell was that?" Jordan appears in the doorway, cradling a mug between his hands.

"I think I messed up."

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