Passion Pop and Kisses - Finale

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*Listen the song suggested as it is the song they're dancing to.*

Darker than it had ever been, Tyler cuddled under Josh's arm, quite possibly his ninth bottle of alcohol dangled from loose fingers that felt too warm to even close, Josh clutching his own brew, listening as Tyler rambled on about things he loved, vaguely brushing over whoever 'He' was.

Everyone had flooded inside, the majority of people had headed home hours ago, only a couple of Laura's friends remained, loud conversation poured out the screen door, and Tyler could hear Abby and a couple of her friends shouting every now and then about the game they played.

Josh shifted, the cold grass they sat on poked at his butt through his jeans. Tyler finished whatever it was he was saying finally so Josh had a turn to speak.

"What was that song you were listening to today?" He drunkenly swivels his head over to Tyler's direction, instead of engaging with whatever Tyler mumbled about.

Tyler blinks for a moment, recollecting the days previous events.

"When I was painting?"

"Yeah, put it on," Josh gestures to the stereo beside them, Tyler grins and crawls over to it, too lazy to stand. He's not too far from Josh, so without thinking as Tyler is searching for the song, Josh reaches across and slaps his ass, pleased with the reaction he receives.

He yelps, taking his bottom lip between his teeth and ignoring the stinging feeling of a handprint left behind. Tyler finds the song and begins to stand, swaying his hips to the beat, closing his eyes as it begins. Josh watches, his tongue poking out to swipe his bottom lip before he too bites it.

Tyler turns around and offers a hand to Josh, still half heartedly dancing to the tune as he warms up.

"Dance with me?" He suggests, but Josh only laughs.

"I can't dance," Josh takes Tyler's hand anyway and stands, Tyler, then taking both his hands and moving them back and forth between them, awkwardly stepping backwards and forwards out of time to the tune.

"I can't dance either," he admits, but smiles as Josh begins to join his jagged movements, giggling as Tyler grows more comfortable to the beat.

Tyler pulls Josh a little closer, wiggling his whole body to the song, Josh following along, trying hard not to laugh at the janky movements.

He spins Tyler around, his arm coming down over his front and rests on his stomach, pulling Tyler back into his chest. They move side to side in sync, Tyler smiling when Josh places his chin to his shoulder, Josh hums the tune and his free hand cups Tyler's hip, swinging slow.

When Tyler pulls away and faces Josh again after another twirl, he reattaches their hands, motioning for Josh to twirl.

"No," Josh shakes his head with a chuckle.

"Aw come on idiot it's your turn," Tyler leans forward with a lopsided grin, on his tip toes yet still not Josh's height. Josh shakes his head and lets Tyler twirl him around, but back to face him instead.

"This is stupid," Josh giggles when Tyler wraps his arms around Josh's waist and holds him close.

"You are," A playground insult thrown but Josh doesn't take any notice, holding Tyler by his shoulders as they continued to sway together.

There's something dancing in Tyler's half hooded eyes, he keeps darting his gaze from Josh down to his mouth and back up, Josh eventually catching on, gentle fingers brush up Tyler's cheek and place themselves firmly to his face.

"What are you thinking right now?" Josh whispers, Tyler's expression drops from excited and wild to calm and needy, pulling Josh's hips so they crash with his.

"I don't know, my mind is addled," Tyler replies just as softly, watching Josh mouth with intent.

"Could I try something to see how it feels please?" Josh politely asks and Tyler nods quickly, inching his face a little closer. "Close your eyes," Josh commands, watching soft brown iris' disappear behind fluttering lids.

Tyler feels something warm press into his lips, unintentionally opening his eyes for a moment, seeing Josh with his closed, but he pulls back shortly.

"Was that okay?" Josh stutters.

"Yes," Tyler tugs at his waist band. "Do it again," he grins and pushes his mouth into Josh's, clearly inexperienced, so Josh lets two fingers hold Tyler's chin in place, guiding him with his mouth, soft airy breaths escaping Tyler everytime Josh would stop for a second just to come crashing right back again.

Static fills Tyler's mind, a bubbling in his gut as Josh's mouth moves with his, Tyler falling into a steady rhythm as he follows along with whatever Josh was doing.

Laura finishes the conversation with her friend. moving to the backdoor to call out to the boys.

She begins but is immediately shut up at the sight she sees, a gasp forcing its way from her.

Laura clears her throat.


There's an awkward scramble as the boys try and break apart as if nothing has just happened, Tyler assuming his obedient position with hands clasped together behind his back, eyes to the floor and in a slight hunch.

"Y-yes?" Josh's voice cracks a little from embarrassment.

"I was just wondering if you two wanted anymore food?" Laura carries on, watching the boys carefully.

"Oh yeah we'll be in in a minute," Josh coughs a little, arms stiff by his sides.

"Okay well, not too long it'll get cold," Laura goes to step back inside, but spins around again. "One more thing, people can see you through the kitchen window okay?"

"Yes mom thanks mom," Josh nods, glancing to Tyler who had began to pick at his finger nails. Laura nods and steps back inside.

Josh glances up to the window, Jordan inside fake cheering and fist pumping the air, making a love heart around Josh and Tyler, genuinely excited about what he had witnessed.

Josh flips him one and laughs, turning back to Tyler.

"You okay?"

"Was that a kiss?" Tyler asks, stepping towards Josh. Josh is in disbelief, how much didn't this boy know?

"Yes, it was,"

"That was my first one," Tyler shyly admits, head towards the ground.

"Was it okay?" Josh takes his hand, Tyler looking up at him.

"It was probably terrible on my end I had no idea what I was doing,"

Josh laughs and pulls Tyler towards the house.

"Oh come on you weren't that bad!"

"Really?" Hopeful eyes beg.

"Well, you were pretty awful at the start, you'll get better," Josh winks and pushes him inside.

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