Passion Pop and Kisses - Part One

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"Would you like a snack?" Laura offers the tray to Tyler, which he takes a small nugget from the platter and thanks her, taking a bite once she has her back turned.

He isn't sure how many children are here, all around Abby's age and height they played pretend and screamed so loud it made Tyler want to rip his own ears off, the parents of said children not bothered at all by the ruckus they made.

He was unsure where Josh had run off to but Tyler was too awkward to ask anyone if they had seen him, so in the uncomfortable plastic chair he sat, watching children jump in and out of the pool and hit eachother with long foam tubes.

"Hey mister," Tyler looked down, a small red haired boy staring up at him. "Do you wanna play with us?" The lisp fell out of his mouth on nearly every word, Tyler shook his head.

"No thanks,"

"But we need a police officer and none of us are big enough to be one," the kid whines, Tyler looks over to the group of kids wearing makeshift paper burglar masks. The kid reaches up and places the police hat on Tyler's head. "Please mister?"

Tyler stands with a sigh and follows the child over to the group of excited children, secretly excited himself.

Josh exits the back door, two drinks in and as he searches for Tyler.

Jordan strides up me blocks his path immediately with a smirk on his face.

"Looking for your boyfriend?" He nudges Josh, who smiles and shakes his head.

"You're never gonna let me live this down are you?"

"Not till the day you die broseph," Jordan laughs, taking a sip of his beer. "What have you got there?" He gestures to the two bottles in Josh's hands with his own bottle.

"Eh, just passion pop,"

"You hate passion pop," Jordan states rather than questions with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah but I don't think Tyler has ever had a drink before and I don't want him to blackout on beer or whatever it is Aunty drinks," Jordan laughs loudly, hooking his arm around Josh's shoulders.

"Gettin' some liquid courage into ya?"

"Oh seriously shut up!" Josh pushes him away. "You're an idiot, I wouldn't do that!"

"Calm down broski I'm joking with you, having a jest, a riot," Josh shushes Jordan finally but laughs none the less.

"Have you seen where Tyler went? He was sitting over here before," looking to the empty chairs, Jordan snorts as he catches sight of the skinny kid on the opposite side of the garden.

"He looks a little tied up,"

Josh follows his gaze, jaw dropping as he sees Tyler on his knees with several of someone's children surrounding him, a bright pink rope tightly around his arms and torso. He doesn't look as uncomfortable as Josh expected, he looks at ease and as if he's having fun, Josh smiles lightly.

"Okay but if he ropes you into bondage after this experience you're not my brother anymore," Jordan leans in and side whispers to Josh who only rolls his eyes and moves over to shoo the pesky kids away.

"Okay okay Officer Joseph is off duty now," Josh commands, watching the kids scatter out in different directions.

"Oh god please save me and untie me," Tyler begs, staring up at Josh who can only laugh, placing the two bottles down beside him as he gets to work on the knot on Tyler's front. Josh kneels down to get more comfortable and grins at Tyler. "What are you laughing at?"

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