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"Man when did it become so late?" Josh checks his phone, Tyler balled up in his lap.

"What's the time?" Tyler glances up, unaware of how tired he was until Josh had brought up the time.

"Past eleven, I should probably head home now," Josh gives Tyler a sad look, and Tyler pouts.

"Please don't go yet,"

"I gotta, mom will be waiting for me," Josh pats Tyler's shoulder, trying to move him off his lap.


"Come on Ty," Josh groans, pushing Tyler a little harder now.

"No Josh can you stay tonight?" Tyler spreads out across Josh's lap, burying his face in a pillow next to Josh's leg.

"I'll, I'll text my mom," Josh leans on Tyler's back, half digging his elbows into his spine.

"Stop ow," Tyler goes to roll away, falling off onto the floor, but Josh is quick, trying to stop Tyler from hitting the floor.

"Careful," he shakes his head.

"Can we have a sleepover?" Tyler innocently asks and Josh grins, his phone buzzing.

"Aw I'm sorry Tyler," Josh mock pouts. "But mom said I can stay,"

"Wait you can stay?" Tyler springs up and Josh nods.


"Oh dude yes!" Tyler bounces on the lounge, hugging Josh side on for a brief second, pulling away quickly to avoid holding him for too long.

Time passes, Tyler's eyes becoming lead heavy, multiple yawns stretch out across a couple of minutes, and Josh knows his body is starting to sag too. Tyler stands up and switches the TV off, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Going to bed?" Josh asks through a yawn.

"Yeah you coming?" Tyler stretches and Josh cocks his head.

"I'm not sleeping on the lounge?"

"What no come on," Tyler grabs Josh's hand, leading upstairs into his dark bedroom, a few glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. Josh looks around confused for another blanket or pillow for him to sleep on, but Tyler just pats his own bed.

"Wait, wait Tyler," Josh feels his face heat up, Tyler taking off his jumper.


"Are we sharing a bed?" Josh scratches the back of his neck and Tyler hums a yes in response. "You don't find that weird?"

"Nope," Tyler takes his shirt off, beginning to work his jeans off.

"Woah woah hey Ty what," Josh shields the lower half of Tyler with his hands, closing his eyes and looking the other direction. "Yo, you can't get naked in front of me,"

"Why not?"

"Tyler I'm your friend," Josh opens his eyes, still keeping his gaze somewhere else. "But I don't think we're at the 'let's get naked together' stage,"

"It's okay I don't sleep naked or anything," Tyler pulls on a clean pair of boxers and a white t-shirt, looking over to see Josh with his hands up still. He slaps them away and when Josh looks back he's relieved to see a fully dressed Tyler.

There's a burning in Josh's stomach that urged him to sneak a small peek at Tyler, but he can't even bring himself to look at Tyler's boxers.

Tyler crawls onto the bed and takes the side by the wall, pulling the covers back and crawling under, pulling them up to his chin as he stares at Josh.

"Are you gonna get changed?" Tyler flutters his lashes and Josh shakes his head with a lump in his throat.

"No I didn't bring anything, anyway it's fine," Josh let's his breath hitch a little when Tyler tugs on his hoodie.

"Do you sleep naked?" Tyler mocks and Josh sighs.

"I actually do, but not next to you," Josh takes his hoodie off and throws it somewhere into the dark room, laying down on top of the covers, ridged.

"Get under the covers stupid," Tyler rolls over and faces the wall.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Josh just get in," Tyler sighs, so Josh complies and climbs under the duvet, turning away from Tyler.

Josh isn't sure how long he's laying there with his eyes closed, trying to sleep, but Tyler keeps moving closer until Josh can feel his ass pressed to the small of his back. Josh is about to slide away when Tyler stirs beside him.

"Joshy?" Tyler's sleep deprived voice calls out softly.

"Yeah Ty?" Josh replies just above a whisper.

"I'm cold,"

"Okay?" Josh replies after a short silence. He turns on his back, waiting for Tyler to say something.

"Can you cuddle me?"

"Seriously?" Josh is beginning to think staying over may have been a bad idea. "I don't know Tyler this is getting weird,"

Tyler scoffs, unknowing that Josh really does want to cuddle him.

"Please," Tyler scoots back, Josh pushes him forward.

"Okay, okay fine," Josh flips over again and tucks one arm under Tyler's head, the other in the crook of his hip, avoiding his crotch touching Tyler at all, just in case.

Josh did not want Tyler to wake up to an expected surprise poking him in the back.


"Just go to sleep Tyler," Josh mumbles as he buries his face into the pillow, an overwhelming amount of Tyler's smell envelopes him.

Josh can't help but to breathe laboured,  Tyler's hair tickling his nose.

"Can you move your head forward?" Josh asked shyly, so Tyler does but also brings his ass back into Josh. "Tyler please don't do that,"

"What I'm cold," Tyler sighs.

"Yeah, yeah but-" Tyler slaps Josh's hand around his waist.

"Shut up idiot I'm trying to sleep,"

"Fine, fine whatever," Josh just focuses on his breathing and not on the warmth between his thighs.

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