Stunningly Attractive

Start from the beginning

"They're learning fast," she commented and he smirked a little.

"They have a good teacher."

Izzy rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, your so awesome and all that, I know."

He grinned.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Do you know where Clary is?"

Jace thought, "She should be coming back from her art class soon."

Izzy nodded, "Okay, thanks."

She left him there then, heading toward the room he shared with Clary.

Luckily, she passed the redhead in the hall.

"Clary! I was coming to find you. We need to talk."

Clary's eyes widened slightly, "Is everything okay? Is it a demon attack? Is Jace alright?"

Izzy rolled her eyes, "Yes! Everything's fine, geez. Just picked up some juicy details that I thought you'd be interested in."

Clary smiled a little, "I'd love to stick around and gossip, Izzy, but I need to go see Jace and there's a lot of work that is waiting for me in my office"

"He's training with the kiddo's, and you can still do them. This won't take much of your time" Isabelle told her, "Besides, my gossip is about him!"

This caught Clary's attention, "Okay fine, ten minutes. I needed to change anyway."

They walked down to her and Jace's room.

Izzy sat on the bed as Clary pulled out some clothes that didn't have paint on them.

"God, does that boy even know what a mess is?" She noted, looking around.

Clary giggled, "I know! Sometimes I throw my clothes all over, just to annoy him."

Izzy smiled.

"So what were you going to tell me?" Clary asked.

"Oh, right. Well apparently Jace has some admirers, which, big deal, you know, it's Jace."

Clary nodded, "Uh huh..."

So Izzy continued, "But a lot of these girls that come in are taken with him. I kinda got use to it after the first few classes though, because their kids, and Jace is all in love with you, and it's whatever, but today, this girl was talking about how all men thought about was sex, and that she could get his attention."

Clary raised an eyebrow, "She's joking, right?"

Isabelle shrugged, "Eh, who knows. But she looks at him enough to make you believe it."

Clary laughed, "So what's she gonna do? Strip down in class and jump him? Come on, Izzy. You aren't seriously worried?"

"No, I'm not worried that she'll have her wicked way with my brother. I'm worried that this girl thinks she can make moves on a man who is clearly taken. She doesn't even care that you could kick her ass. So teaching her a lesson is a public service, really."

Clary smirked, "What exactly did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking we could do a job on her ego, take it down a few notches. They are just students here. We are trained, experienced Shadowhunters who have been in an actual war and you Miss Clary soon-to-be Herondale are the one of the Heads of the Institute damn it!"

Clary chuckled again, "So..."

"So we let her, and all those other wanna be punks know whose in charge around here."

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now