An Errand

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Clary and Simon had worked out sleeping arrangements and put the kids down for the night. Alec and Isabelle had fallen asleep on a bed in a guest room of Magnus's and Jace was sleeping in the same room on the couch to be with them.

Clary, Simon, and Magnus were now in the kitchen around the table drinking tea. "Our situation is taking a little bit longer to figure out." Magnus said. "I've contacted Caterina Loss, a warlock friend of mine who will be coming to assist me but she won't be able to come until Thursday."

"Thursday! Magnus, it's Tuesday!" Simon complained.

"Wow, thank you Simon for pointing out the obvious. I could really do一"

"Guys!" Clary interrupted them. "This won't get us anywhere. Magnus is there any prep work you need to get done tomorrow before Caterina arrives?"

"Yes, actually. It shouldn't take all day though, however, I have to run a quick errand in the morning."

Clary just stared at Magnus in astonishment. "Our friends, which includes your boyfriend have been turned into kids and you have an errand to run tomorrow? Is it even remotely related?"

"Yes, Clary! This is essential! I won't be gone long anyway. I'll have breakfast for you all prepared before hand too. I'll be back before you know it." There was a silence then Magnus continued "Now I'm off to bed, see you all in the morning." And with that and some glitter left from where he was standing her was gone.

Clary had fallen asleep on the couch while Simon had taken the other spare room which was too small to fit two people. Clary had awoke with a start, Simon was in the kitchen serving up food and singing making the kids laugh, but Simon's horrible singing isn't what that awoke her. Jace was standing right in front of Clary with a cup of coffee.

"Hi Clary!" He smiled wide at her. "I brought you some coffee." Clary sat up and took the coffee from Jace, pulling him up beside her on the couch.

"Have you already had breakfast, Jace?" She asked sweetly.

Jace shook his head. "I wanted to bring you some coffee first."

Clary smiled at this, Jace was always putting her first even at the age of four. "Then let's go get something to eat" She kissed the top of his head before standing up, grabbing his hand and followed him to the the kitchen.

Simon was serving Alec and Izzy some food while drinking coffee. Clary noticed Simon was wearing fresh clothes and before she asked Simon handed her a note from Magnus.

Clary and Simon-

As I told you last night I had to step out this morning. I'll be back very shortly, there is some breakfast is in the oven for you and the… kids? There's coffee brewed for you two, and I spelled some of your clothes here from the Institute inside Simon's room.

Be back soon. Don't blow up the apartment.


Clary nodded at Simon and made her way to his room to shower and change.

Simon helped serve Jace some breakfast which he quickly devoured. "So are you and Clary boyfriend and girlfriend?" Jace asked Simon.

Simon choked on a little bit of his coffee at that question. "Ummm… no… We're not" He stuttered trying to get the words out. "She's my best friend." Jace seemed a little pleased at that answer. Kids are weird Simon thought.

"Simon? Can we play a game?" Jace asked with a hit of an evil smirk appearing on his little face.

Clary took the quickest shower in her life afraid what the kids might do to Simon left alone. It's not that Clary didn't think Simon was good was kids, she was just very aware these kids were shadowhunters kids. Clary changed into a black tank top, light blue jeans, hair down, and her green converse.

Clary came out of the room to find Simon pinned to the floor by three kids.Alec and Jace were holding him down by his arms while Izzy was sutting on top of Simon's chest.Even though this is what she was afraid of happening, once seeing it she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hey guys!" Clary called over to them while taking out her phone "Say shadowhunters!"

"SHADOWHUNTERS!" They all screamed at once when the flash went off causing Simon to groan. Just at that moment Magnus walked into the apartment in shock.

"Well at least you didn't explode the apartment." He said dryly. Clary rolled her eyes at that.

"Where were you?" Clary demanded. Magnus looked a little taken back by this. Clary was wondering what could have been so important that he had to leave them alone.

"Fine if you must known I picked up something for the kids." All of the kids eyes lit up at this and started cheering and rushed towards Magnus leaping off of Simon who was still on the floor.

Magnus had first sent Clary and Simon to a bakery nearby so they wouldn't see what he had done for the kids. Not everyone understood Magnus and that was okay because Magnus understood himself and he knew this was something he had to do.

Magnus was now sitting in his apartment with the three kids around him. All in the new outfits he bought them. Magnus had bought them all quite a few clothes but he didn't care. Afterall, Magnus had to do what Magnus does best. Fashion.

Izzy was sitting in Magnus's lap while he braided her hair with ribbons, she was wearing a dark red dress, with black leggings and black boots. Magnus even added a little bit of eyeliner to Izzy, because he knew teenage Izzy and she wouldn't leave the house without makeup on. Magnus felt he was doing Isabelle a personal favour by this.

Next to him on the couch sat Alec and Jace who were in an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. Alec was wearing all black (because Magnus knew teenage Alec would probably kill him if he found out he put him in a sparkly outfit), but as Alec couldn't fight back at the moment Magnus had to add a little colour to his outfit. Nothing too bad that Alec would want to pull a seraph blade over but something Magnus could enjoy. Alec was wearing a dark blue shirt which brought out the blue in his eyes, black pants, black converse shoes, a black jean jacket to match his black messy hair. Jace had his blond hair slicked back, he was wearing black pants, converse like Alec's, a grey shirt and a small caramel coloured leather jacket which brought out the gold in his eyes and hair.

Magnus was quite proud of himself, he may not know how to take care of kids like Clary and Simon did but he had his own powers (no pun intended). Just as he finished braiding Izzy's hair the door of his apartment opened revealing Clary and Simon. Clary stopped walking for a second causing Simon to bump into her. Clary stood by the doorway staring at Magnus. It seemed like the hours of silence as they stared at each other but was more realistically probably only a few seconds. Simon has seen Clary like this before, and there were a few ways she could react. Simon thought it was probably best if the kids didn't seen Clary like this. "Hey guys, I have treats let's go to the kitchen!" They jumped off the couch or Magnus's lap and hurried over to the kitchen following Simon for desserts.

Clary stormed over to Magnus. "Your errand this morning was buying them clothes? What happened to help trying to get them back to normal? I'm not sure if you've noticed but I miss having my super hot boyfriend to cuddle up to in the night!"

"I miss that too! But Clary, there's nothing we can do until tomorrow anyway, I want to have the kids to like us! They need to able to trust us, we need to be better than their parents. Haven't you noticed that they haven't once asked for their parents? Maybe that's because they don't miss them or they're too used to Maryse and Robert not being around for them. They like how we've been treating them. They've all had a difficult childhood, I just think we should let them have this. Have a real childhood."

Clary looked at Magnus shocked. This was definitely not what she was expecting from Magnus. Of course it made sense, it's not like she was about to make this time miserable for them. All Clary could say to Magnus was "You would make a wonderful father."

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