22 | Temporary Home

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          "Novalie, is that all you're bringing?"

I looked up at Benedict as he loaded luggage into the trunk of a fancy car, having no idea what kind of model it was; only that is was lavish... and shiny.

"I'm a light packer." I proudly held my old backpack, which Faisal so lovingly shoved into the suitcase he packed for me.

Ender was impatiently waiting in the passenger seat as we neared, nodding briefly at Zelda and her crew when they departed separately. Everyone already shared personal goodbyes with Lyric the previous day, as his solo trip to his family's manor in France demanded attendance. I also said my own farewell to the twins, all while doing my best to avoid a lecture from Connie.

I noticed with amusement that the colour scheme of my small group was wearing varying shades of black.

The Dark Representative sported charcoal pants, a distractingly well-fitted shirt, and surprisingly: an expensive leather jacket.

He was basically matching with me.

If one ignored his price tags, which were probably quadruple the cost of my clothes.

Benedict's knit sweater and double-breasted overcoat was a bit more formal than the two of us, though the upperclassman owned his outfit.

A nervous energy built from the thought of being in a confined space with two attractively problematic young men, furthermore making me feel inadequate as I once again realized the class difference. With my scruffy second-hand jacket and beaten up Converse, I truly resembled a misplaced stray.

I silently cursed Zelda for her new sports car, which only allowed one smaller individual to squeeze between the two seater. Obviously, with Fable's petite frame and her relationship with Leon, they were the wolf's chosen passengers.

Which lead me here, stuck with these two.

I jumped in the back and had to stop myself from kicking Ender's seat like an overzealous kangaroo, excited and eager for wherever we were heading. "Our first road trip!"

The only response from him was a hum.

The driveway in front of NIFEEN was lined with other vehicles making their exit, everyone more than eager to escape the castle for an entire winter holiday. My memory recalled Faisal ridding himself of Connie and I by the other entrance months prior, forcing us to walk the trail as opposed to just driving further.

Did Faisal personally refuse to be near NIFEEN, or did he simply enjoy the fact that Connie and I suffered the trek?

Probably the latter, that sadist.

"Stop making so much noise." Ender swiftly pulled a neck cushion and sleeping mask from out of nowhere, abruptly facing the window and leaning his head against it.

"Ender gets car-sick when he's not behind the wheel, so it's best to leave him be." Benedict entered the driver's side and started the engine.

"He won't hear anything if we stuff him in the trunk." I offered kindly, dismissing the sarcastic 'ha ha' coming from Ender.

The basilisk adjusted his chair and played around with the mirrors.

"Don't mess around with my settings too much," Ender mumbled without moving.

I gave him a disbelieving look, not understanding why he wouldn't want to use his beautiful vehicle. Benedict did a quick seat belt check as he reversed the car and drove down the main driveway, expertly weaving through students and cars with ease.

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