09 | Still a Mystery

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         "What a waste of freakin' time!" I moaned, grabbing my forehead as a large headache began to emerge.

"Agreed." Connie glared ahead, unintentionally making students wary as we strolled down the hall.

We were leaving our Spirit Studies class, all while mumbling about the curriculum being a farce. I was about to suggest lunch, but three familair figures blocked our path and made us halt.

It's been a week since my whole tomato incident, the aftermath fairly quite if you didn't count oral jibes. The unknown girls who were ordered to set the prank took all blame, with Eve and Vivian getting off scott-free. Reason being that both their parents made large monthly donations to NIFEEN, and therefore insisted that the matter be forgotten.

It must be nice to have influential parents that ignored how much of an asshole their kid was.

So, seeing them emerge from whatever netherworld they were residing in wasn't too much of a big surprise, since it was bound to happen sooner or later.

"Could you please remove yourself?" Connie gave a close-lipped smile.

I caught a small twitch on his mouth, as if he was holding back ruder vocabulary.

Vivian turned to look at him. "This issue doesn't involve you, Blondie."

"My hair is white," Connie mildly corrected, gracious expression slowly deteriorating.

The duo gave him dirty looks, although Cleo subtlety admired the unicorn in a manner that was some different kind of dirty. Connie did indeed have striking features, which accompanied by violet eyes, were bound to get attention.

As long as he didn't open his big fat mouth and ruin the effect.

The person in question sent me a nasty scowl as he heard the thought.

"F-Y-I." Vivian huffed. "When Ender and Lyric went up to us they only stated that we avoid making a mess of the school's property and to eliminate any distractions that would take away from learning."

Wow, they really had my back.

"I'm surprised you remembered." I was genuinely impressed by the recital, knowing that I couldn't recall anything authority figures tell me.

Vivian gave a look that resembled acid.

'They're probably jealous that you had the guts to actually talk with Mishal's group, even if their self-appointed leader seems to hate you—with good reason, because you're fairly annoying.'

Another thing that seemed normalized now was Connie's psychic capabilities, which was convenient when we had to communicate around other people. We also acted more amiable with each other, and I might even consider us friends if we were in decent enough moods.

I asked for a palm reading the other day, but he declined and said 'shut up'.

"Can you first years not block the hallway?"

All five of us turned to look at the raspy voice, who was elbowing her way through the narrow space.

Zelda grinned. "Why are you guys huddling together, is this a dance off?"

"Say the word and I'll turn it into one," I quipped.

"Nova, I've been looking for you!" She then pointed a thumb in the general direction behind her. "Ender and Benedict asked if I could come grab you."

A frown marred my previous merriment. "They did?"

The wolf shrugged, before turning to the male scowling beside me. "You should watch out for Lyric, rumour has it that he's writing you a ballad."

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