"Much better. Perhaps you may be worthy of the battlemage titles that your Empire likes to name their magic casters."

"Thank you, Justiciar."

Sulandril moved closer, stroking the side of the girls cheek with a finger.

"Who knows. Perhaps you may be worthy of travelling to our wondrous capital of Alinor. But for now, begone. I have reports to make. Well, one seeing as the others failed so badly."

Morgan bowed and sprinted out of the room.

Sulandril smirked wickedly.

Herself will be pleased. The girl is far stronger than expected, showing high levels of control with her magic and from what the lieutenant said, she wields a blade as though she were born with the knowledge. Keep her here and that's one possible threat removed. Get rid of her strange mother and everything will fall into place.

Four years later...

She stared at the unseeing eyes of Lieutenant Ascendris, his armour spattered with blood, a horrific rend in his chest plate. She ignored the steady pulse of blood oozing from the ghastly wound and looked at the healer.

"One stab wound from behind, death was instantaneous. Heart ruptured and three ribs bent slightly when the assailant twisted the blade," the healer reported calmly, her face showing no emotion.

"Just like she was taught. How did this happen? Three guards should have been able to subdue her yet Ascendris was killed from behind. He was a veteran of the War yet he turned his back on this girl? Why?"

The healer nodded to the other two bodies.

"One was killed by an ice spike which penetrated his brain through his right eye socket. The other was killed by a series of precise blade strikes. Two in the chest, one under his right armpit and a killing stroke which slashed his throat to the spine. I have no doubt that it was Morgan Aurelius who killed these two."

"So she had assistance. Someone killed him when he had a chance to paralyse her."

The healer nodded.

"I tried to heal the bar owner before she expired but she did divulge some interesting information."

Sulandril didn't care about the middle aged woman who was lying in two pieces on the ground, a snapped iron blade still clutched in her stiff hand. She eyed the healer who smiled.

"Emissary Elenwen thought her slave would make an excellent spy and she served her purpose well. Anyway, the slave mentioned that the murderer was Morgan's mother, Lilith. She fled the night before she was due to be captured and hasn't been seen for over a year."

Sulandril fought the urge to unleash the strongest spell she knew of and fought to maintain her anger.

All those years wasted.

"She also mentioned that she had a contact in Skyrim. Seeing as that province is the closest to this little hole, it makes sense that she would flee into Skyrim."

"This contact. Who is she?"

The healer smiled.

"Get me noticed in the Circle and I shall tell you everything the slave knew."

Sulandril knew how the politics in the Aldmeri Dominion worked. And seeing as her parents had been in the Circle for over two hundred years before being murdered in a typical family assassination, she knew when a dog wanted a favour.

"Done. Now tell me what you know. Leave anything out and I will ensure that your family back home will be fed to the nearest Sload nest available."

Bond Of Blood Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora