Chapter 19

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Babette and Brelyna both exchanged a look when they heard the roar echo through the night, the ground shaking the whole time. The three hundred year old vampire removed her dagger from the throat of the Stormcloak guard who had fallen for her pleas for help and sheathed it, constantly watching both end of the alleyway for signs of more guards.

"What the hell was that?" Babette muttered.

"It sounded like a dragon...but...I thought both of them were attacking the camps?" Brelyna replied uneasily.

"It sounded too close to be a dragon. Besides, we never saw anything fly over us."


Babette looked over at where Brelyna was looking and she felt her jaw drop.

Morgan had transformed into a form that was completely unfamiliar to her. Her wings had a span of over ten feet, bright red membranes attaching her wings to her body. But it was the sight of what she was doing that jolted Babette into talking.

"We need to leave Brelyna. Now."

Brelyna nodded dumbly as she watched Morgan rip a Stormcloak in half with each arm, a fountain of blood showering the Dragonborn. She had never seen her friend's transformation and it was so different to what she had looked like when she turned for the first time. But what Brelyna worried about was the fact that she wasn't even trying to hide from the fact, she thought Morgan wanted to look for them.

Or someone.

"What about her?"

Babette shook her head.

"The way she is now, anyone going near her will get torn apart. She is very pissed, Brelyna. Come on, before she sees us."

Brelyna nodded and followed the smaller assassin, feeling Morgan's eyes watching her the whole time as she moved away...

Astrid dropped the small vial of poison onto the floor when the ground shook and cursed when the purplish liquid solidified on contact with the stone ground. She had been adding a powerful nightshade extract of Babette's design into as many cooking pots as she could find. The problem with it was that if it wasn't entered into a liquid of some sort, it became as hard as rock and rendered useless.

She looked over at the massive white wolf who had just finished urinating into another cooking pot and she found herself smiling.

"Glad to see you have a back up plan my dear, but I won't be doing that," she muttered.

Scar yipped at her playfully and jumped off the table before gently gripping Astrid's hand in her jaws. Astrid looked at her as she began whining, her tail swishing increasingly often.

"What is it?"

Scar whined again and gently pulled her hand, being careful not to break the skin.

Astrid suddenly understood. Scar was trying to get her out of there because she had sensed something that scared her...and Astrid had never seen this wolf become scared of anything.

What is she so scared of?

She then blinked.

The ground shaking, a dragon-like roar...Morgan. Something has happened. That was her....and she is VERY angry.

"We will come back for her," Astrid promised the wolf, who let go of her hand and licked her fingers by way of apology.

Astrid ruffled the wolf's head and then smirked.

"Did you do your business inside the open vat of wine?"

Scar wagged her tail.

"Good girl. Come on, let's get out of here."

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