But you haven't really stopped since the Dragonborn died, did you?

As always, it was her husbands voice on her mind, but she always listened to it. She didn't know whether Sheogorath was involved or another Daedric Prince, but she always heeded the words whenever they turned up.

Of course, she knew that the voice was correct in that case. Since the funeral, she had dove into as much work as she possibly could, taking any orders for weapons and armour, just to keep her mind busy. Of course, her beloved husband had tried to stop her from burning out, but the truth was that she could never look at the forge the same way again.

She leant against the pillar, and her mind drifted back...

"Morgan, here again so soon?"

She smiled as the lithe Breton girl gave her a sheepish grin and placed a leather cuirass over the workbench.

"It wasn't my fault Adrienne, honest! Bloody saber cats appear out of nowhere," Morgan replied under her breath, a smile still on her face.

Adrienne chuckled.

"You should now by now that they ambush those that stray near bushes and off the roads."

"This was a pack of them on the main road leading towards Falkreath," Morgan said quietly. "The Companions couldn't find them so I offered to help."

"On your own?" Adrienne asked incredulously.

"No, of course not! I had Lydia with me," Morgan said brightly, and Adrienne laughed, unable to hold it back any longer.

"Morgan, you are one of a kind, you know that?"

There was silence for a few moments and when Adrienne saw the tears building in Morgan's eyes she was worried that she had said something stupid. But when she saw a sad smile, she felt even worse.

"I am the last Dragonborn, but I know what you meant Adrienne. Thank you."

Adrienne walked over and gave the young woman a hug. The poor girl was under too much pressure and she needed an outlet, something to keep her mind off that awful fact of being Skyrim's only possible defence against that of the dragon menace.

"Come on, I think it is time I showed you how to craft ebony...and if you have any dragon scales, I am sure that the two of us could make some armour that even Eorland will be jealous of."

She was glad to see an impish grin on the girls face when they broke apart, and when she also saw that spark of life in her eyes, she knew somehow, that Morgan would prevail.

Adrienne wiped the solitary tear from her eye and smiled.

"You did prevail, and more," she whispered.

She ignored the ear splitting roar of a dragon from outside the walls. Ever since Morgan had died, it seemed as though the dragons had no interest in attacking the main cities. Many people had been curious as to why this had happened, but Adrienne thought she knew why. She believed that they were honouring the Dragonborn in their own way. She didn't know whether it was a temporary truce or not, but when she saw the red dragon take to the skies just outside the walls, she smiled.

That was the dragon that Morgan won over, and he joined her side. It is good to see we still have someone watching over us, scales or otherwise.

She was jolted out of her musings when she heard the guards at the gates gasp and start yelling a name. A name that she thought she would never hear again in such a high spirited manner.


Adrienne spun around and she felt her heart stop for a second as she saw none other than Morgan Aurelius walk past, her vampire companion alongside her. She took in the saddened expression of the saviour of Skyrim, the way that she never smiled at anyone, even when they shouted her name.

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