Chapter 2

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"I hate this place," Morgan muttered with a soft snarl in her voice.

Serana simply squeezed her hand once in agreement before she looked at Dawnstar. The two of them were standing on the steep hillside, out of sight from prying eyes. Even with the heavy snow that fell on them in a continuous torrent was not enough to hide them fully. Serana wore a jet black leather top and black leather leggings, a small cloak finishing off her appearance. Morgan wore a similar outfit, although she had a red leather top.

There was a huff of what sounded like impatience, and Morgan grinned fondly at Scar, who was sitting there and looking rather bored.

"We will move soon. We have to wait until it's dark," Morgan told her.

Scar yawned, her fangs fully exposed.

"I think she's bored," Serana remarked with a grin.

Morgan sat down and continued to look at the guards far below them and she snarled again. Serana sat down beside her, wrapping an arm wound her waist. Scar moved over to lie on both of the vampires laps and simply lay there as though it were an everyday thing. Morgan had been pleased to see that Scar had trusted Serana so quickly, it meant she wouldn't have to worry about fighting between the two of them.

"Nice and warm now," Serana smiled...and then she sighed as she noted that Morgan was still baring her fangs at the sight below them. "Morgan, you knew that this might happen one day."

"Just seeing them here is enough to make my blood boil."

Serana looked down to see the Stormcloak soldiers that were milling around. She remembered when she and Morgan had last come here, and she knew that this was one of many reasons why the Dragonborn was so angry. The last Jarl had apparently been exiled, according to snippets of news they had picked up as they travelled north, and was now on her way to Solitude.

Ulfric Stormcloak had retaken Dawnstar.

"It was always likely," Morgan sighed as she finally answered Seranas unspoken question. "Dawnstar is close to Windhelm and Elisif doesn't have the numbers needed to keep that blow-hard in his slum of a city."

"We cannot do much about them...for the time being," Serana smirked.

"You always know how to make me smile," Morgan laughed softly, running her hand along Scars back gently.

"Only because you are a grumpy bitch at the best of times," Serana retorted playfully.

"Keep it up and I will ask Scar to urinate on you."

Serana lightly dug her fingers into Morgans ribs and sighed as she lay her head on Morgans shoulder.

"I was thinking you know..."

"Does your head hurt then?"

Serana repeated the tickle before replying.

"As I was saying, I was thinking earlier. About the bounty that we now have on our heads. It's a lot of gold you know, and that's why I have been a little cautious about the time we have taken to come here."

"You are referring to how the Dark Brotherhood has been on a slump in recent years," Morgan said knowledgably.

Morgan had heard a lot about the organisation ever since she had fled Cyrodiil. They had been wiped out in most of the other provinces, mainly because of the Thalmor, the rest had died out when the remaining high ranking members vanished. Meeting the last of the assassins a few months back had been unexpected, but Morgan had known that at the time, she had needed their help.

But since defeating Harkon, she hadn't heard anything about the group, nor of any murders in any of the towns and cities. And this worried her a little.

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