Chapter Forty-Seven

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The next few days were like I expected them to be. Cecelia and I explored around places, kissed a couple of times and barely talked. We were mobbed a couple of times, but we were expecting it so we weren't that pissed. When we weren't outside doing things, I was texting or Skyping Ashton.

I told Ashton that I was almost positive that it was Becca who was sending the recent notes, but neither of us were sure why. He still seemed to be confused on why I even started sending the notes, but I would have been lying if I said I knew why I did.

The people at management weren't mad at us, I guessed that we lived up to their expectations. Honestly I thought that we could've acted better, but our fans were pretty oblivious. Also I didn't want to be that close to Cecelia.

On the plane ride home, Cecelia ignored me once again, but I managed to fall asleep pretty early into the ride. When the plane landed, Cecelia drove back to the management building and I got in my car and drove back to the apartment. Although I had slept through the entire plane trip I was still tired and ready to 'nap' for nine hours.

When I arrived back at the apartment, Calum, Ashton and Luke were playing a video game. They turned around as soon as they heard the door shut, and I could see a smile form on Ashton's face. "You're back!" Luke yelled as loud as he could.

"That is four days I'll never get back." I said, joining them on the couch.

"I missed you." Ashton said, smiling.

"So did I."

"Get a room!" Calum yelled, laughing. It seemed like Calum and Luke had had too many energy drinks.

Ignoring Calum, I kissed Ashton softly. "How many energy drinks have they had today?" I asked.

"I think they're up to five." He replied.

"Of course they are."

We were for silent for a few minutes, we listened to Luke and Calum continue to play a game I had never heard of, and scream at each other. Luke wasn't normally that hyper, I wondered what had happened while I was away.

"Let's go do something." I said, crossing my legs on the couch.

"Like what?" Ashton replied. I thought of places that we could go.

"Like the movies or something." I didn't particularly want to see a movie, but I couldn't think of anywhere else we could go.

"No thanks I'd rather stay home."


"I'll only go if you order popcorn and eat it." Ashton said, and I sighed. I knew that he didn't want to go out but he should and he knew that I didn't want to eat but I should.

"Sure." I said, I didn't want to eat but I knew I had to to survive.

"What movie shall we see?" Ashton asked.

"Check what movies are on today." I replied, looking over to Calum and Luke. They were drinking yet another energy drink while playing a game.

Ashton grabbed his phone out of his pocket, and I waited for him to tell me what we were going to watch. I wasn't expecting a great movie, but watching a crap movie would have been better than watching Cake play video games, scream at eachother and drink more energy drinks than they can handle.

"The only movie out of these that I've heard of is Frozen."

"Then let's go see that." I said.

"Really?" Ashton said in a tone that sounded like he was judging me.

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