Chapter Thirty-Two

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*Michael's POV*

As Ashton and the One Direction boys left, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on between the two. Everything was fine during the Take Me Home, what could've happened in just a few months?

"Let's play Mario Kart?" Calum suggested, and Luke and I agreed. We took some of the remotes and set up a new game. Before we knew it, we were all trying to get in the lead and cursing at eachother.

"Fuck yes, suckers!" Calum yelled, and he proceeded in doing the stupidest dance I had ever seen. I tried to get into the spirit in the game, but like usual, found my mind on Ashton. What on Earth could've happened? Did it have something to do with me? The thoughts wouldn't stop.

It didn't take too long for them to return, but when they did, it didn't answer the questions my mind had been thinking about for the time they were gone. They didn't speak, they just sat in the places they had been previously, and took the remotes off us.

"You guys suck at this." Louis commented, looking at our scores.

"We're better than you." Calum snapped back, his competitive self coming back. They didn't make any bets, like Calum normally does, the One Direction boys just continued to play the game.

"We're leaving." Ashton stated, before grabbing my wrist, and pulling me towards the door.

"No we're not!" Luke said, acting like a child.

"I don't care what you do, Michael and I are leaving." He dragged me out of the house, and towards the pavement.

"Call a taxi."

"Our phones don't work here." I answered, and we started to walk down the street, Ashton was desperate to find a taxi for some reason. After a while, we finally found one, by the time we found it, my legs were ready to fall off.


"What was with you dragging me out?" I asked as we reached our hotel room.

"We don't like them anymore." He simply replied.

"Excuse me?"

"I think they're keeping a secret from us." I was very confused, but chose not to argue with him. Instead, I just lay on the hotel bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, ignoring whatever the hell Ashton was trying to say.

"What the hell was that?" Luke asked as Ashton let them into the hotel room, and Ashton ignored their question.

"Someone's nice..." He replied.

"Answer my question."

"I don't know." He lied, lying down on the bed. Calum rolled his eyes, before the two of them left to go to their hotel room.

We stayed silent for a while, I just looked around the hotel room and admired the furniture and the view I could just see. It was quite a crap view, but a view none the less. "So uh." Ashton broke the silence.


"Why are you being a rude prick today?"

"I'm not!"

"You are!" This continued for a while.

"Why do you think I'm being an asshole?"

"I don't know, you're just being rude." He mumbled, and I could feel myself become more angry. Instead of replying, I grabbed the key card off the table, and slammed the door, leaving the hotel room. I ran towards the elevator, and pressed the button repeatedly until it opened. When I reached the lobby, I headed straight to the exit, and when the cold air hit me, I looked around for somewhere to go.

I couldn't find anywhere straight away, so I just walked left, and kept walking until I found something. It looked like some sort of café, and it looked kind of warm in there, so I walked in, and was greeted by the warm air of the cafe.

"What do you want?" The waitress asked rudely.

"I want a fucking rainbow, get me a coffee." I replied, sitting down at one of the tables. She sighed, before returning a few minutes later with one of the cardboard cups of coffee. I paid her, before leaving the place because I didn't think I could deal with that bitch.

When I continued to walk down the street, I realised that I wasn't going to find a fucking Narnia, and it made me stop in my tracks. That was when I came to the realisation that everyone dies, and I continued to think about that, as I walked back to the hotel.

"We will die." I mumbled as I entered the hotel room once again, but Ashton was no where in sight. I decided that he was just out somewhere, and just lay back on the bed. I took out my phone and started to scroll down Twitter.

"@BeccaWasHereXo Miss Cal!! x @Calum5SOS"

"@Calum5SOS @BeccaWasHereXo Miss you too!! :( xo" Do they not know that mobiles exist? I sighed, before scrolling down and seeing usual rumours and the normal Tweets I normally see.

That was when I heard a cry from the bathroom. Immediately, I jumped from my bed and ran to the bathroom in the hotel. The door was locked, but I could hear Ashton crying from the outside. "Ashton!" I yelled to him to let me in.

"Shit!" He mumbled back, and I could hear him cry more.

"Let me in!"

"Fuck no!" He cried back.

"Let me in!" I yelled once again and I heard things moving, until he opened the door. His face was covered in tears, and he proceeded in walking out of the bathroom, and back to his bed.

"What were you doing?" He gave me the look, as if saying 'the obvious', but I knew he was lying, anyone could see his was lying.

"Why are you crying?"

"Why are you back?"

"Touché. But still, why are you crying?" I was frowning, and the tears in his eyes were about to make me cry.

"No reason." I could tell he didn't want to tell me, so I just stopped harassing him and lay on my bed, and started to text Harry and see if he knew.

- You -

"What happened today when we came over?"

- Harry -

"With Ashton?"

- You -

"Who do you think I was talking about?" I laughed quietly at how stupid he was, but it stopped when my phone vibrated, signalling a reply.

- Harry -

"Well he dragged us away, and we talked about your stupid relationship."

What. The. Fuck.

- You -

"How do you fucking know?"

- Harry -

"Zayn... And by the way we aren't the only ones who know."

My phone slipped out of my hands, and fell on the floor, luckily not smashing, but still, I was fucking angry.

-{ This is a really bad chapter, I'm sorry.

By the way, I won't be able to update for like a week after Christmas. :(

What are you doing for Christmas? (If you celebrate it, that is).}-

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