Chapter Eleven

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*Yet again Ashton's POV*

When I laid my eyes on the sticky note, I knew that I needed to tell someone. This one actually had more than one word on it, unlike the others. Maybe I should actually think about it, I thought to myself, but brushed it away quickly.

As soon as I stepped in the loungeroom, I could feel my confidence to speak fade away, and I couldn't get myself to put words together to say. All three of the boys were staring at me, as I had yet to sit down, but it didn't stop my silience.

"Dude, do you have something to uh say?" Luke awkwardly asked as Calum shook his hand in front of my face. Meanwhile, Michael remained death staring at me and it was giving me shivers down my spine. Did he hate me? We had made out twice I believe, why would he suddenly show this hatred towards me?

"Uh, does, uh has anyone been uh does anyone know whos been giving me notes?" I felt like I was going to faint. I didn't even know why, but I hadn't said anything to anyone about the sticky notes and now that I said something, I was scared for their answers.

After they had realised what I had been asking, all except Michael shook their heads. Michael awkwardly stared at me for a moment before talking. "Its uh probably a fan?" I had never even thought about that! Our fanbase had been getting larger and some of the people in it were definitely a bit on the crazy side. I mean we were crazy, but it sounds like something someone would do to get noticed.


Just a few hours later, I found myself scrolling through Michael's tweets without noticing. I often did this, so it wasn't anything new. I loved the things that he would tweet about, even if it was something as small as him saying 'hello' or something like an inspirational quote. Every tweet would make me smile.

Minutes after I had reached tweets from the middle of twenty-twelve, I heard my bedroom door click open, and in came Michael. Oh great. I mean I had been stalking his Twitter, but I didn't want to talk to him in person. You can do anything on the internet, and delete it and people won't remember it but in real life people will remember every wrong move you make.

"Hey." Michael spoke quietly seeming quite awkward, taking a seat on a stool near my bed. He looks somewhat suprised that I was in the room.


"Um how are you?"

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come into someone's room without being harassed?"

"Ugh." I sighed. I thought he might actually apologise or something for making out with me then jumping out and basically running away but whatever.

"How are you?" He repeated his words.

"What do you want with me?"

He didn't reply afterwards and exited the room.


At around three, I exited my room to get some food. As I entered the kitchen, Michael avoided eye contact the whole time as he was there as well. I decided to eat in the loungeroom, and I was greeted by two overly cheery boys. I silently sat on the couch and ate a packet of chips, but unfortunately Calum and Luke decided they wanted to go shopping. Since when did any boys ever want to go shopping? Whatever.

"It'll be fun Ashtonnnn. Plus it would be fun to get away from Michael for a while, nothings been the same here since the game of truth or dare maybe we can fix it." Luke had convinced me to go eventually and we left around three-thirty. I still didn't get how going shopping will stop the awkwardness between me and Michael but whatever.

As we arrived at the mall, we noticed how crowded it had been. Why did they take me? First we went into some clothes store, and Calum spent twenty minutes pretending to act like a girl trying on clothing.

Just as we left the store, we were crowded by fans, wanting a signature and a picture and stuff like that. One of the girls asked me if Mashton was real, and I was about to say 'I wish', but decided against it. Instead I shook my head and took a picture with the girl.


It was only until we went into some jewelery shop that the awkward part came. Don't ask why we were in a shop like that, because I didn't even know as I wasn't paying attention to whatever Luke and Calum were talking about.

"Ashton why are you being so quiet, normally you are like screaming?" Luke asked, but he couldn't talk, he rarely spoke. I shrugged and stared out the window, when honestly I knew why. It was because Michael was fucking dating that Becca girl and he basically hated me and I just wanted him to be mine.

"Dude is it because I posted a picture of you and Mikey kissing?" Calum added, but yet again I shrugged.

"Dude I'll fucking kiss you and post it on Twitter so people know it was a joke." When would Calum shut up? And did they seriously think I kissed him as a joke? I mean I was dared, but I wanted to kiss him anyway. Before I could answer his question, Calum tossed his phone to Luke to get on Twitter.

Moments later, Luke had said 'ready', and thats when it got awkward. Calum grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine. He was no where as a good kisser as Michael and I wanted to push away, but Calum had shoved me together with him. Finally, Luke had taken the photo and I could wipe my lips.

The caption of the photo said '#Cashton or #Mashton'. Dude how is that going to make it less awkward?

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