Chapter Thirty-One

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"Attention passengers!" The voice called over the speaker. "The plane will be landing in a few minutes, please fasten your seat belt."

Ashton and I both reached over, basically in unison and fastened our seat belts. The girl had gone to the bathroom what seemed like an hour ago, ithad been one of the best parts of the plane ride, her being gone.

After we had left the stuffy crowded aeroplane, the cold air of London hit us, and I could hear people shiver and try to warm themselves up. The plane had had heaters all over the place, but unfortunately there wasn't anything protecting us outside.

It didn't take long until we met the terminal, and we were warmed up by the airport. But this also meant, screaming. I tried to cover my ears, but they were so damn loud. "Ah! Ashton's hand!" I heard some people scream. Others screamed because they could 'some how see my hair'. It wasn't like it was bright pink or anything.

As we walked out into the area where fans could get to us, they started attacking us, and it was awful. They were all trying to take photos, get our autographs and talk to us at the same time. One word, difficult.

"Guys don't mob them!"


"I want him!"

"Back off!"

"Let them free!"

"Sign my bra!"

"Sign my phone!"

"Kiss me!"

That was basically what I heard from everyone screaming in different directions. I was pestered by a few teenage girls trying to get photos, but I put on a fake smile and accepted. The other boys had much more people asking him for pictures which made me smile.

It wasn't that I hated the fans, that was the one thing I didn't feel. It was that it was about three in the morning, and I had to deal with someone who was about twelve for ages, and that I would much rather sleep, and talk to fans at a time when I was more awake.

Instead of getting more caught up with the fans than I already was, I decided to push my stuff outside, and wait in the van for the others. I ran as fast as I could, luckily avoiding crashing into someone else. I made it into the van, and passed the suitcases to someone from security.

The other three stayed in the airport for ages, and it took at least twenty minutes until I could see them coming close. The screams had followed the boys, and flashing of fan cameras started to blind my eyes. Is this what it's like to have paparazzi?

"Hey man." Calum mumbled as he sat opposite me in the van.

"Did you make a runner?"

"I might have." I laughed, and looked out at the others who looked at though they were going to die out there.

"Are we at the airport or one of the jungles that are always on TV?"

"Don't be mean Mikey!" Calum smiled, before stretching his arms out and yawning.

As I looked back out, I saw Ashton taking a picture with a fan. I could see he was obviously having an anxiety attack, he had talked about them before on our walk, and now he was actually experiencing one. I jumped out of the car and towards the gang around him.

"Guys back off him!" Most of them stopped and circled me instead, the shutter sound replaying over and over again, as they took pictures of me. I tried to keep a smile on my face, to avoid looking like a douche in the photos, but it didn't work that well.

At around four, we finally started to leave the airport, and by the time the vehicle started to move, Luke and Calum were already asleep, and it was just Ashton, the driver and I. "Thanks." Ashton mumbled.

"For what?" I already basically knew, but for some reason I wanted him to say it.

"For getting the fans off me, so I could breathe." I smiled, but he was frowning.

"Anyway, we are finally at a hotel." He spoke, and we didn't bother to wake Calum and Luke; we left the driver to do the job. We headed into the hotel, and after talking to the reception, was given one of the hotel keys. We were on the fourth floor, so Ashton tapped the '4' button.

"This ones ours I think." I pointed to one of the doors, and he tried to put the card in, but it didn't work. We tried a few others, but none of them worked. We had forgotten which number our room was. When we clicked on the button for elevator, the two other boys came out just as we were about to go on.

"Do you know which room we are in?"

"No clue, we can't even remember our own." Calum laughed, and both of us ran around trying to get a door to open, until finally Calum and Luke found their room, and ours was next to theirs.

When we met our hotel room, there was only one bed. "I guess we get to share." I smiled, before jumping onto it. Ashton joined me, and I held him tight in a hug.

We didn't bother to change before going to sleep on the bed, we didnt even go under the covers. All that happened is we kissed, and literally fell asleep in each other's arms.


Later on that day, we decided to go visit the One Direction boys. They were playing Mario Kart when we arrived, nothing different from when we were on tour. "Hey." Louis called from the TV.

"Hi." Ashton muttered, he looked angry. Louis rolled his eyes at him, before continuing to the game.

"Can I talk to you?" Ashton asked the boys.

"Wait until the game ends." Zayn muttered. Harry ended up winning the game, and then the six of them walked off into a different room.

"What the hell is that about?" Calum laughed as they had left.

"No clue." Luke answered and I nodded.

*Ashton's POV*

As soon as I shut the door behind me, the boys all stared at me, as though asking me to start explaining instead of them. "So, you know about Mashton?"

"Who doesn't?" Harry laughed, before high fiving one of his bestfriends.

"Who told you?"

"Well, your boyfriend?" Liam mumbled.

"Why did I have to find out when Louis fucking butt-dialed me?"

"Listen dude, Michael called me and he told me about your situation, I gave him crappy advice, told my friends, and yeah. That's all." Zayn explained, my annoyance seemed silly now.

"Okay..." I sighed before leaving the boys alone in the room.

Although Zayn basically explained it all, it still seemed like theh were hiding something from me, and I didn't want to be nosy, but I also wanted to know what it was. One things for sure, One Direction have changed since Take Me Home Tour.

-{ Sorry, short chapter (and VERY boring, hardly any Mashton)

Okay, question! Which country do you live in? I live in Australia! :)

Also thanks for 10k! X }-

Notes // MashtonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ