Chapter Thirty-Six

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"It's nearly two-thousand and fourteen!" Calum seemed to be waking up Luke as we entered their hotel room. I heard a couple of groans, and a yawn before I fully entered the room.

Ashton and I sat down on some of the seats there was in the room and watched Calum push Luke out of his bed in an attempt to fully wake him up. He sighed, muttering something about coffee before Calum stopped annoying him.

After Luke had prepared himself a coffee, we began to talk about our plans for New Years Eve. I would've been happy sitting in mine and Ashton's hotel room watching stupid television shows, but of course Calum wanted to party. "Niall's having a huge party at his house?"

I rolled my eyes at Luke's suggesting, knowing that Calum would agree to it. He did, and I looked over to Ashton who seemed to be feeling the same as I was. After they decided that we were going to Niall's, Calum and Luke talked about how they wouldn't be able to kiss their girlfriends' on New Years.

"I'm gonna call Savannah in a minute to wish her New Years."

"Why not do that on New Years Day?"

"Because I'll probably end up wasted and accidentally call triple zero."

"Good point, I'll call Becca in a minute." I silently laughed at how Calum was still going out with that girl.

I looked over at Ashton, smiling because we would be able to kiss at midnight. I had never kissed anyone on New Years, but I doubted it was different to kissing someone any other day of the year.

After the two boys had called their girlfriends, they returned to the room and sat back on their beds. "Mashton are so lucky!"

"Are you love birds going to kiss at midnight?" I gave Calum a look that basically said obviously, as they continued to talk about us.

"Maybe they'll do more than kiss..." Luke laughed, winking at us.

"You guys will probably spy on us like last time we got close to that." Ashton replied, and I remembered that day for a moment until they continued their conversation.

"You know it."

For a while, they talked about New Years and how much they were going to party. Calum and Luke decided they were going to make people do shots with them, while I knew Ashton and I were going to try and get away from the party.

"You two, at least try to join in." Calum said, staring at us.

"We will probably start a fight again." I sighed, remembering Christmas, and how that ended up. Ashton and Calum's bruises were just now starting to fade away, and I didn't think they needed any more than they had.

"You won't. And you don't have to party with Louis and Harry, there's going to be a lot of people at the party."

"That makes me want to get away from everyone else even more." Ashton mumbled.


When we arrived at Niall's house, there was already about fifty people there. I didn't understand how he could have a huge party without getting mobbed by fans, he was pretty famous.

Niall's house was much smaller than Louis and Harry's, except there was a huge yard, and that was were everyone was. There was already plastic cups scattered around the yard, I was surprised people hadn't tripped over them. It was only nine-o-clock why was everyone wasted already?

Me and Ashton headed towards the back of the yard, were not so many people were. There was a bench out on a deck which wasn't occupied, so we sat on it. As soon as we sat down on the bench, I knew that someone had spilt their liquor on it.

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