Chapter Fifteen

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I left for my date with Becca at around six, to go to the restaurant I had made a reservation for. I was planning to break up with her, but I still didn't know how I was going to.

As we arrived at the venue, I walked to the person at the counter and told him about my reservation. He took us to our table, which was around the back of the building and handed each of us a menu.

Nothing happened between us eating dinner, just talking about completely random things that had happened recently. For dessert, I ordered the cheapest thing on the menu, I wasn't made of money.

"So I saw you kissing Ashton on Twitter a while ago." Becca started to talk about something I didn't really want to talk about, but maybe this would make it easier to break up with her.

"Yeah. We were playing truth or dare." I tried to smile as I said it, but I couldn't. No clue why, but my frown was staying put. Why couldn't I just break up with her? Why couldn't I get it over and done with and possibly just live with Ashton happily ever after?

But just as I thought my night couldn't get worse, it could. Becca said the three words that I didn't need right now. You guessed it. "Michael, I think I love you." And after she said them, I couldn't see any regret or anything, except love in her eyes. Great.

"I uh love you too." My fake smile seemed to convince her, and after I had said it, I payed as quickly as I could to get the hell out of this place. I took her to the car to drive to her place.

"You know what babe, I don't have to work tomorrow. I could stay at your apartment?" Becca looked straight into my eyes, and I couldn't say no. This night was getting worse by the minute.


When we arrived at the apartment, the other boys were sitting on the couch watching television, I was going to have to face Ashton, when I had kissed him last night, with Becca beside me. This was just the greatest night of my life! Note sarcasm.

As the two of us entered the apartment, six eyes stared at us. Four of the eyes didn't care one bit, but two of them were just about filled with tears and I knew it. "U-uh h-hi." I said, but shortly after sat next to the others on the couch. Becca wanted to watch the movie they were watching anyway, so I wouldn't have to take her to my room.

When Ashton raced out of the room, tears in his eyes, it didn't really surprise me. I had just brought my girlfriend in after kissing him pretty passionately, if it was me I would've done the same. I stayed in my spot, I fought the urge to run after him, but I couldn't. Not while Becca was here.

Becca continued to watch the movie as I opened up my phone to check Twitter. If I texted him, it would probably make it worse, and this night was bad enough. Lightly tapping on the 'New Tweet' button, I started to type. In the end, I wrote 'Watching movies with @BeccaWasHereXo' and posted it. That wasn't my first choice, my first choice having Ashton in it, but I decided against it.

"More popcorn!" Luke screamed, frightening me. Becca volunteered to get it, but kept asking questions to where it was. Her brown hair flicked up and down, searching through the cupboards, but eventually she returned with a bowl of popcorn.

After the three had their movie marathon it seemed like, we all finally headed off to bed. I held onto her hand as I took her to the bedroom. Luckily for me, Becca didn't want intercourse until marriage and she was tired from watching movies.

She changed into one of my shirts and we both jumped into bed. I only had a single bed, so we were both squished up, but after a while we managed to get comfortable. "Hey baby, you seemed a little awkward tonight after we came to the apartment." She continued, "Is anything wrong?"

I quickly came up with an excuse that would be believable. "I didn't like the movies that were on, they aren't really my type of movies." Award for Michael for coming up with an actual excuse that could be believed for once. We didn't speak after this, and shortly after she fell asleep, but I remained wide awake. How was Ashton feeling right now? I need to check up on him! But I couldn't. Becca was a light sleeper and I was basically holding her.


When I woke up, Becca was already awake and I'm guessing she went out into the loungeroom, as I was left alone in my room. Maybe I could talk to Ashton now?

I jumped up, sliding a shirt on and knocked on Ashton's door. I heard a mumbled reply, but opened the door anyway. Ashton was writing in his diary or journal or whatever he called it when I stepped in. "What the fuck I said go away!" He seemed furious.

"Sorry! Sorry for everything!" I was about to scream, but maybe everyone out in the apartment would hear, so I stayed at a reasonable volume.

"Well sometimes sorry isn't enough! Can you not tell I have feelings for you and have ever since I met you? But instead you decide to get a girlfriend, tease me by kissing me every week or so and then show up with that bitch next to you once again. Just leave." He had no emotion in his tone and pointed to the door. I exited without another word and headed out to the living room, pretending it had never happened.

About a few hours after, Becca left and I had completely forgotten to do what was the only reason I took her to the restaurant.


"So did you break up with her?" I had another talk with Savannah, as she came over a few days later.

"I sure did." I lied.

Notes // MashtonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora