Ch 1: The Spark

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A/N: Adjust your speakers as needed (but not too loud!) The link is here only for the audio, not the visual. A few seconds is long enough to get the idea.


The high-pitched screeching pierced my eardrums and burrowed deep into my brain, the sensation so overwhelming that I couldn't focus on much else. Then I felt the noxious burn scorching my throat and lungs. What was that odor? Melting plastic? It reminded me of the time that Luke had decided to microwave lasagna but had forgotten to take it out of the plastic take-out box, but this was worse—so much worse.

Slow down, Kota. Assess the situation.

My eyes stung as I opened them, and I reached up to wipe away tears of irritation, finding that my face was coated by a coating of thin, fine dust. Everything was blurry, but I could tell that I was lying on the floor underneath something. Maybe a table?

I felt around on the floor beside me for more clues, surprised to find my glasses. With a grimace, I pulled them on, finally able to loosely focus on the bottom of the table above me, covered in wads of fossilized chewing gum. That's gross. Why would anyone do that? Gross—oh. I must be at Ashley Waters. But why am I lying on the cafeteria floor?

Seconds later, the table leaped away, leaving Nathan in its place. His shirt was pulled up to cover his nose and mouth cowboy-style, leaving only the upper part of his face visible. He looked away, frantically waving to someone.

Good. Nate's here. Maybe he knows why I'm lying here and what's going on.

Nathan knelt beside me, fear and panic evident in his dark blue eyes. He yanked the collar of his shirt down off his face. "Kota, can you hear me?"

No, I couldn't, as the ringing overpowered everything, but I could read his lips. "Nate, wass g'ng on?" My lips weren't obeying my brain. I reached up to find that my upper lip was wet and swelling.

Nathan rose to his knees, calling out to someone else.

I grabbed his hand. "Fire?"

"No," he answered. Gesturing wildly, he began to explain.

I pointed to my ears and shook my head even as I realized that his hearing seemed to be fine. I should revisit the idea of teaching him sign language. Did he have the patience? Maybe Sang could help me convince him.

Something bad was happening, so this probably wasn't the time to suggest it.

North appeared in my field of vision, holding a white cloth over his nose and mouth. He lowered the cloth as he looked at me. "You're bleeding!" he bellowed, though I still couldn't hear him. He told Nathan something as he handed Nathan the cloth, then shot me another glance before hurrying away.

Well, hello to you too, Grumpy. Nice of you to check in.

"Hold on, Kota!" Nathan leaned down and held the cloth tight against my forehead.

Though most of the smoke was dissipating, it still burned deep within my chest. I coughed, though ineffectively since I was lying on my back. I pushed Nathan away. "Need't siddup."

"Easy," Nathan's lips said. He braced my back with one arm and extended his other hand to me, pulling me into a sitting position.

The room swam before my eyes. I blinked, waiting a few seconds, and through the smoke, it all came into focus. The cafeteria was a wreck. The tables and chairs, normally semi-orderly, were all askew, some thrown on their sides. The windows facing the courtyard were broken, and the vending machines had been shattered as well.

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