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This is the dress she buys, later on in the chapter! 💋

~few months later~

Rosie's pov*

"Come on Caleb! Wake up! It's already 7:00am. Hurry up, we need to go for our morning run."

I hear Caleb groan and pull the covers over his head.

Me and Caleb have basically swapped roles. Not long ago was it me in bed groaning well he was waking me up for a run.

Now I've gotten used to waking up early for runs.

The training has been getting easier and easier for me. My parents and Caleb say I've lost a lot of weight and apparently that I'm looking much stronger and way more fit.

I don't seem to notice as much of change as they see.

I know I've lost quite a lot of weight because now all my clothes are too big for me.

The pants that used to be tight on me, are now baggy. All my tshirts that I barely wore because they were too tight, are now baggy for me.

Liydia's words for me now are 'smoking hot' which I obviously laugh and shake my head at.
I mean seriously, just because I've lost some weight.

Later on today mum is taking me shopping for some new clothes, since she thinks I look like a homeless person wearing all my baggy clothes.

Since I've started training my whole body has reacted in a positive way, my skins become clearer, my hairs so much healthier, it's grown longer and is now a light golden colour, and I've become much fitter.

Especially from we're I used to be. My god.

I'm glad Caleb had gotten me to do this annual race. It's changed me as a person inside and out so much.

I feel so much more positive everyday and am starting to finally accept myself.

I mean I still get self conscious about myself but it definitely has improved.

Since Caleb isn't getting up anytime soon I pull out his weakness.

Peanut m&m's.

The same stunt he pulled on me when I didn't wake up. Except of course for me it was skittle. I get out the packet of m&m's from my pocket and shake them in front of his face. He mumbles something under his duvets but it's too muffled and I can't hear him.

"What was that Caleb? Did you say you don't not want your favourite? No Peanut m&m's?"

At the sound of the word m&m's, Calebs head instantly pops out of the duvet. Hah it worked. I know he will do almost anything for these.

I grin at him and toss him the bag of m&m's as he gracefully catches the packet and smiles at me, then he gets up out of bed.

I leave him to get changed and ready for our run.

I walk downstairs and grab mine and Calebs  water bottle out of the fridge, then soon shortly Caleb walks down and we go for our run.

Me and Caleb shortly arrive at the hill. What used to be my enemy is now one of my favourite places.

I love running up the hill now. It's my favourite thing to do in my spare time.

Me and Caleb shift into our wolfs and start running up the hill.

I instantly feel the wind rushing through my fur, as I speed up the hill.

My paws sinking into the frosty grass. It's becoming winter so now the trees and grass are all frosty. Not long now and it will be snowing.

I start to feel my lungs burning the longer I run, but I no longer stop from it. I keep going. I've learned to love it, and push myself even more.

I notice that I've past Caleb, but I don't want to stop. I can't stop. It's like I have this rush through me and I love it, I just want to keep running up this hill.

The cold breeze makes my eyes water and my fur tingle, but I love it. Winter is my favourite season. Soon I've made it up to the top of the hill. I shift back into human form and sit down to enjoy the view.

Soon I sense Caleb behind me, he shifts back into human form and sits next to me. "Man. Your just getting better and better everyday. Might have to start giving me a head start, from the way your speeding up that hill" he smiles at me.

I smile back at him and chuckle. "No way am I giving you a head start. You never did for me, even when I was an overweight and unbelievable unfit person"

He smiles and continues to look at the view and enjoy it. As am I.

~few moments later~

We're back at home and I go up to take a shower. Once finished my shower I walk to my bedroom, get changed and grab my purse and phone, then head downstairs.

Mum greets me and says "you ready to go?"

I smile and nod in reply and we hop into the car, on our way to the shops.

The first shop we go to I get some fitness clothes. A few tops, a couple singlets, two new sports bras and some grey fitness tights and some black ones. I am finally a normal size for my age.

We then go to another shop and I get some nicer casual clothes. I get some blue, black and white jeans. That fit me snugly. I get a few sweatshirts and some more nicer tops.

The last few items I get is a puffer jacket for winter and a scarf and beanie.

After satisfied and finished with our shopping I think we're ready to go.

But then mum says "wait, we missed one last store"

I look at her in confusion. I'm sure we've got everything I need. But she takes me to another shop. One that looks much much more expensive then the others. We walk in and a second later a shop taker walks up to us and says "hey there. How may I help you?"

My mum smiles and says "We're fine, thankyou"

Mum leads me into the shop and I look around. There's all these nice clothes everywhere. I go to this one rack and there's all these dresses, I pick out one that I like, it's a nude colour, and it's a tight dress. With long sleeves. I grab it and tell mum I'm going to go try it on. I walk over to we're the changing rooms are and another lady leads me into one. Closing the curtain around me. I look to see there's a small seat and a big mirror in front of me.

I start to undress myself to try on the dress. Once the dress is on, I turn to look in the mirror. My eyes wide in shock as I look at myself. For the first time in my life I actually look my age. The dress is simple yet nice. It's tight but snug around my body, it seems to shows off the curves I didn't know I had. It's got a bit of a low neck, so it shows off my collar bone as well. The dress reaches around my knees so it is a reasonable length, but still shows off some of my legs. I hop out of the changing room to show mum and she turns and looks at me. Her eyes widen in shock for a second, then shortly after she smiles. "Oh honey. You look stunning"

I smile and blush in reply. "Can I get it?" I say to mum

"Yes of course, just give it to me once your done" says mum

I get changed into my original clothes and hop out of the changing room.

~few moments later~

We're finally finished shopping and we head back home. Even though we have been walking around half the day shopping, I am craving a late night run.

Soon we're home and I go to put all my shopping away


Yayuuurr all done!

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