The training begins

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Pic of Liydia above ^^
Rosie's Pov***

"No absolutely not" my mum says

I've just told her about the annual race and how I want to do it. "But mum! Why not? It can be a new start for me, a new hobbie. Just like I've been wanting for a while. Plus it will get me out of the house, give you and Dad some more alone time. You would want that? Wouldn't you?"

Mum looks at me and sighs, "I just don't want you getting humiliated in front of those people. It can be a cruel world out there. Plus what are you gonna do about the 'not aloud in Everdale'.

"Trust me on this mum, I know what I'm getting myself into. Plus I will just hide myself till the race. Then when I form into my wolf nobody will know who I am." I look at mum with pleading eyes.

She sighs again, "fine you can do it. But on one condition. You promise that if you change your mind or you feel uncomfortable in any way. You cancel out of it straight away. I don't want you getting hurt, your my baby girl rosie"

I smile and hug her, "I promise mum."

Me and Caleb then go outside. The training begins.

I haven't shifted  into my wolf before, I've always been to scared to. Over the years the wolf inside me has become louder and become my friend, her name is lily. She's always been there for me. Caleb tells me that the first thing I need to do, is shift into my wolf, as I'm not running it in human form. I've read how it works, you think of yourself as the wolf, the fur forming on your skin, and your body transforming.

I look down at myself, I want to do this but I'm also so scared. I look at Caleb and I must have scared written all over my face because soon he comes over to me and hugs me, "you can do this rosie, I know you can. There's nothing you need to worry about, I'll be here 100% the whole time." I smile at him in gratitude and breath in and out slowly. Trying to calm myself down. I close my eyes and breath in a big breath of the cold fresh air, I then start to think of myself forming. My body transforming from human form to wolf. My body starts tingling and I can feel myself transforming. It's working! I open my eyes to see.......

Cliffhanger!! Yayurrr, another chapter up! I know it's short but I wanted to have my first cliffhanger. I hope you are liking this book? Any thoughts or advice please say. Also please remember to

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