White as snow

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Before and after pics of her body!
P.s guys, both sides are beautiful! I don't believe that you need to be skinny to be beautiful. I think any size you are is perfect. You are stunning just the way you are 💖

Rosie's Pov***

I hesitantly open my eyes to see, gorgeous white fur, as white as snow. I feel so big and strong. I can't believe it. I did it. I shifted into my wolf. I hear lily say "Yesss girl! You did it. You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment" I smile and look up at Caleb, his eyes wide in shock. "Wow. I-I don't know what to say. Your wolf is beautiful" I feel myself blushing. He can't see that of course as I'm a wolf, he walks up and touches my fur, patting me like I'm a dog. "Such beautiful fur, and pure white. I've never seen a pure white wolf before"

I hear my wolf purring and then her say "let's go already!" Soon Caleb turns into his wolf, a warm golden coloured wolf, with green eyes. I hear his wolf say "follow me" as Caleb starts walking towards the woods. He turns left and there's a beautiful lake with a big hill next to it, trees surrounding us everywhere. I turn to him and my wolf says "so what's first?" He smiles and says "run up the hill" I look at him and gulp. Up that hill!? It's massive and so long, it looks as if it goes on forever. Does he not remember I am so unfit and fat. I get puffed running down the stairs to the fridge and back. How the hell does he expect me to run up that. But then I remember I need to try, if I don't, I won't get anywhere. I look at him nervously and walk over to the hill, Caleb speeds up past me. I watch him get smaller and smaller as he runs up the hill, making it look so easy.

I take a big breath in and release it as I start to run, I guess I must of started running way too fast because in a matter of minutes my lungs are burning, my breath is coming out fast and in heavy breaths. Soon Caleb comes to me and shifts back into his human form. I do so aswell, and I sit there trying to get my breath back. I'm so unfit. Caleb sits down next to me and says "You started off too fast. You wasted all your energy. You need to try consume it, start running with a small jog and then get a bit faster each few moments, don't just charge as soon as you start. You need to practise saving your energy, only using bits of it at a time, not just waste it all straight away. Don't worry I will help you learn, and you will get it in no time, how about we go back down and start with some more simple training. Just a little workout. By the lake?" Once I've gotten my breath back I smile and him and reply with a simple "okay" we walk back down the small bit of hill I ran up. Man I've got a lot of work to do if I'm going to participate in this race.

Once arrived back at the lake he pulls out his phone. We look for some simple workouts to do and find one that we both think I'm capable of doing. I start with the 10 push ups, I can barely do 1 so this is gonna be hard. I get into position and do one. One done 9 to go, as I continue slowly I feel my arms burning, my breath getting heavy and my face getting hot. I almost give up, but I really want to push myself so I continue to do the push ups. Right up to 10. It felt like it took hours but after I've completed I collapse on the floor breathing heavily. I didn't realise how unfit I was. Caleb comes over and smiles "well done Rosie. I can see you really pushed yourself, don't worry after a while that will become easy peasy. Trust me you will get it in no time, as long as you stay committed. I sit up and ask what's next, he says squats and I groan in frustration, but start to do it anyway.

*few moments later*

"OMG, I think I'm gonna die. That was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life."

Caleb chuckles and chucks over a granola bar and a bottle of water. I look at the bar weirdly. I've never eaten one of these before. I look at Caleb then look at the bar again. He chuckles and says "if you want to train to be an athlete, you need to eat like one too. No more junk food, no foods with really high fats and sugars. You can have cheat days but not everyday can be a cheat day" he winks at me and starts to eat his granola bar. I sigh and rip it open taking a bite out of it. Its really plain, not much flavour. Not really something I would eat regularly. But it's good enough. I gulp down almost the whole bottle of water, and then stand up.

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