Same scent

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Rosie's pov***

The next morning I wake up feeling cold. Not as cold as yesterday and I know why. Because jake came. He gave me warmth. Warmth that I craved. I decided to have a nice shower to warm up. I turn on the shower, letting it run for a bit to get to the right temperature and hop in, after I've finished in the shower I put my robe on and walk into my room to get changed, I pulled out my favourite top. It was my uncle phils, a plain blue baggy shirt, my favourite colour. I put on some yoga pants, tie up my hair in a messy bun, pulling out a few strands to give my face more shape, and walk downstairs, to then be greeted by my parents and Caleb. "Morning rosie!" I smile at Caleb, "morning Caleb" I sit down and start eating the toast mum has made me, "so rosie, I'm going to the shops today, would you wanna come?" Says my mum. I think about going to the shops. I don't really like going because of my weight, everyone stares at me and I know they think I probably look obese. I know it myself, every time I try on clothes I stare at myself in the mirror in the changing rooms, I look at my chubby face, my curvy body. Not a nice curvy of course, my fat goes in all different directions, multiple rolls everywhere, then there's my thighs, big jiggly thighs that wobble as I walk. I try to cover myself as much as I can when I go to the shops. I guess I spend a few moments too long in the changing room every time I change because mum eventually  calls my name to check on me, so I stop looking at my fat self in the mirror, and it's the same every time I go to the shops. But then I remember I actually need some new clothes for the summer, so I agree to go to the shops. After breakfast clean up I go to get my stuff, ready. I ask Caleb if he wants to come along but he said he has to go work with his dad. So I guess it's just me and mum for the day. Dad has gone away for work, so he won't be back till tomorrow night. I grab my stuff and me and mum head to the shops.
There are people buzzing around at the shops, getting to the sales as fast as they can. Getting ready for the summer. Me and my mum go to my favourite shop and I buy some really nice summer clothes. I buy a long blue dress, to cover up my fat legs, with long but light sleeves so that I'm covered yet still won't get hot. It's my favourite colour too. I also get some more yoga pants and a white t-shirt with a small wave at the top right corner, simple yet cute. Of course I have to shop in the older teens section, because I'm too fat to fit my size clothes. Mum tells me nice things like I look beautiful, or that shirt is stunning etc, but I know she wishes I was actually the size of my age. Don't worry, I know you think that it's my fault I'm this fat and that maybe I should try workout or something. Don't worry I've  tried, but workout out is really not my thing and every time I try diet it's too hard for me. My mother is known for her delicious baking. So it's kinda hard to diet when you have an amazing cook in your family. We decide to go to the markets to get some fruit and vegetables. I go the the apple stall to get my favourite red apples. When I'm picking some up to pay I smell something familiar. It's the same scent. Mint and Oak, it smells so good. I instantly know where it's coming from. That scent makes me feel weak inside. It's getting stronger and stronger and I know he's near. A voice inside me says Mate, Mate. I must hurry before he sees me. I know he will just look at me with disgust at how fat I am. It's so hard to move from my spot, as I feel warmth spread through me. But I push myself to do so as I don't want to be humiliated by him. I quickly pay for the red apples and speed walk to mum. I rush to her side and tell her I need to go to the bathroom. I instantly feel the warmth leave my body, the further away I get from jake. Thank god he didn't see me. At least I hope he didn't see me. I do a quick check before leaving the bathroom, then go meet mum again. We then head back home.

~Later that night~

I'm in my bed thinking about jake. I wish I wasn't fat and ugly so that I could be with him, but it would never happen. He's going to become the prince of Everdale and he will want to be with a beautiful girl, that's slim and kind. Not a fat ugly girl like me. I want to feel the warmth that is missing. I had never felt this way before. It's like I had a craving for him. Just like I craved chocolate chip pancakes. And Nutella waffles, and pizza. Anyway, basically just like I craved food all the time. But it was a different type of craving, without food I feel hungry and my tummy grumbles. But without his scent and his warmth and just him, I feel like something is missing out of me. A piece of me.

I decide to stop thinking about him and draw some mandalas. Drawing is one of my passions, especially drawing mandalas. I love how detailed yet different each mandala turns out. I usually don't know how it's gonna look, but I just get into a buzz about it and as soon as I'm drawing, by the end it's a whole new mandala that I fall in love with. I love drawing to get my mind off things, and to just help me relax. It's something I do when I start to feel anxious or stressed.

I'm about half way through drawing when I feel a cold rush through me, it feels as through someone has stabbed me with an icicle through my body. I figure my window must be open but then I check it's closed shut. I wrap myself in my blanket to warm myself up a bit. But it doesn't help at all, I get colder and colder by the minute, I'm shivering like crazy. And I know why. I need jake, I need his warmth. I'm sitting on my bed shivering like crazy when I hear my window open. The wind blows in and in a split second I know jakes back. His delicious mint and oak scent soars through my room, I breath in and instantly feel 100x better, I start to feel so much warmer, his head pops up and my eyes automatically stare into his. Even in the dark I can see those ocean blue eyes. He walks in again, repeating almost exactly what he did last night, he looks all ruffed up and sweating, like he's been really hot. Maybe that's the effect he gets. I get really cold, and he gets really hot. He walks up to me and I feel like I'm glowing with warmth. He stares into my eyes, and that's when I finally find the courage to speak up. "What are you doing here? How did you find me" he looks away, standing there silently. For a second I think maybe he didn't hear me, but then he replies. "A voice in my head leads me here, I need you to cool me down, otherwise I start to get really hot and burn. I never even knew this place was here" I nod in response then he starts to walk away, "wait" I say. He turns around and looks agitated "What?" He says with harshness in his tone. "Can't you stay?" He looks at me with a glare in his piercing blue eyes. "Why would I want to stay with a fatty like you?" He then walks out and climbs down my window again. I stand there in shock, to what he just said. I instantly feel his warmth disappear, and it's replaced with a cold shiver down my back. I hop into bed and cry myself to sleep. That was also the last time jake visited my house again.

Yayuuurr, another chapter up and done 👏🏼
Hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes. I'm really not great at writing
Pretty please with a cherry on top, remember to,
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