As we pulled away breathless Justin stroked my cheek with his thumb, his eyes staring deep into mine. I loved the feeling of just being in his arms. I had never felt like this toward anyone else, I loved Justin so much more than I had ever loved anyone else.

"Well that's good to know." Justin spoke, the smirk evident in his voice. Oh God, he's so cocky at times. But I love him, I have to admit that – he's the most amazing guy I've ever met.

"Yeah, yeah... Don't get cocky now Bieber." I told him, giggling a little. Justin chuckled amused, his lips planting kisses along my jawline.

I felt his teeth grace against my skin, causing a little moan to escape from my lips.

"I'm not, Shawty and you know that." Justin spoke, his hot breath hitting my skin as he spoke. I shot him a glare, I never liked him calling me Shawty.

He just does it to annoy me. Justin laughed lightly, his eyes lighting up as he did so.

"You're right, Shawty. You're absolutely right."


I whimpered, tears flowing down my cheeks even faster than before. Suddenly I collapsed to the ground, my whole body trembling. Loud sobs escaped my mouth and I couldn't think of anything else but how much I miss Justin.

I miss everything about him; his smell, his smile, his eyes, his hair, his voice, his laugh, his tattoos, his lips against mine... I just miss everything about him.

Rain was pouring down from the sky and I clutched the feather tightly in my fist, afraid to lose it. I couldn't lose the only thing that reminded me of Justin. The black feather still felt warm against my skin as I held it, sobbing endlessly.

I didn't care if someone would see me, I couldn't even think straight right now. Nothing seemed to matter in this moment.

"Why? Why did you take him from me God? Why can't I be happy for once in my life?" I sobbed, staring up at the sky. The sky was a deep shade of grey, clouds covering it all around. There wasn't an inch of blue sky showing.

This is so unfair – when I for once find happiness and love it gets taken away from me. I just wanted to be happy for once, was that too much to hope for?

"Look, I don't care if he isn't human. I love him, he is my whole world, my everything. Please... Please just bring him back, please." I sobbed, resting my hands against my thighs as I cried and cried. There didn't seem to come an end to my crying, tears just kept pouring from my eyes.

I wanted to hear Justin's voice whispering soothing words into my ear, I wanted to feel his arms around me, holding me tightly. I wanted Justin here, I needed him here.

"Please God, I'm begging you. I know hes a demon and all, but please give him another chance. I mean... Its not his fault that hes a demon, he didnt do anything wrong. His brother sent him up, if that wouldnt have happened, Justin would still be an angel. And trust me, hes an angel.
Hes the sweetest guy ive ever met, hes loving and kind and caring. Please God, just...Just give him another chance, I dont know what i could do without him." I shut my eyes tightly, to prevent tears from falling. I pressed the feather tightly against my lips, trying to gather all my strength together to speak one last word.


I kept my eyes shut, keeping the feather against my lips. Suddenly a soft breeze blew over me and I opened my eyes, wondering what it was. The first thing that I noticed was that the rain had died down a bit and then I noticed something odd.

The feather from Justin's wings that once was black, was not black anymore. It was white. My mouth fell open in shock, I couldn't take my eyes off the feather in my hand. What did this mean?

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