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Ally and I had been together for two weeks now and in all honesty, those weeks have been the best of my existence. I would have said life, but that would have been stupid, since I'm not even alive at the moment.
Haven't been for over a hundred years - I'm a demon, demon's are always dead.

Although I wasn't a demon originally, but one thing lead to another and I became a demon. I sighed, running a hand through my hair as countless flashbacks flooded through my mind. I didn't want to remember, I hated those memories more than anything, but I knew that sooner or later I'd have to tell Ally more about my past. And I prefer later.


I stared at him, as he had a smirk on his face. I couldn't believe what he'd just done. I mean yeah, I knew he was jealous of me for being in Heaven. He had to go down to hell, but what kind of a surprise is that if you've killed people. Yeah, totally no surprise.

I got to Heaven, mostly because I had never done anything bad. We died in an accident, and now the both of us were dead. And I was about to be kicked out of Heaven because of my dickhead of a brother.

I couldn't help but be angry at him - he ruined everything once again. And he meant to do this, he meant for this to happen. His smirk says it all.

"So, Justin, I assume you'll be joining me in Hell." He spoke, chuckling coldly. His eyes were blood red and he just stared at me, his head tilted to the side the slightest bit. He had a smirk on his face and he looked satisfied by his actions. His plan had worked.

"Sadly." I growled, shooting him a harsh glare. If looks could kill....

"Oh is little Justin mad?" He chuckled amused. I glared at him harshly, before grabbing a bottle on the table and throwing it at him, only for it to go right through him and smash to the floor. The glass shattered into tiny pieces. I kept my harsh glare on him, who never allowed the devious smirk to leave his face.

I didn't want to be anywhere near him, but just to make this even worse, he's the Devil. He makes sure I go to where I belong - which would now (totally because of him) be Hell.

"I'm not mad, I'm fucking furious, you dick!" I yelled in frustration, wanting nothing more than to strangle the boy standing in front of me. No matter if he was my brother, I wanted to strangle him and beat the living shit out of him.

Although he isn't alive - but you get the point, I hope. He just kept smirking that annoying smirk. He was totally aware that I wouldn't be able to do anything to him, he had too much power.

"At lest I have one, unlike you." He smirked. Oh no he did not. I growled, and took a step forward. He however just stood his ground, his arms folded over his chest, those blood red eyes staring into mine.

"You're pathetic." I seethed through my teeth and then turned on my heel. I wanted nothing more than to just get as far from his as possible. But as a devil I had to be in Hell unless he told me otherwise. That's just how it works.

I hate how he just now ruined everything for me, I always thought that when we had been separated after we died we'd never meet again. Of course some things are just too good to be true - and this is just one of them.

"No, you are." He growled, and I just chuckled. he had always had a bad temper and it only seemed worse now. Such an annoying prick.

The two of us never really got along, although we should have. Against all the odds we became almost rivalries. We loved to annoy each other and to ignore each other. We never were normal, and that's why we're in this position now.

"How about you just fuck off?" I grumbled annoyed. I was sick of his bullshit, which he unfortunately is so full of. I hate him always have, always will. And then there's this unfortunate fact; he's my half-brother.


I groaned in annoyance. I really didn't want to remember that idiot of a half-brother. I've been afraid of him finding out about Ally. About him hurting her, which would be my worst nightmare.

I can't imagine Ally being hurt especially because of me - because of my actions and my carelessness. I have to make sure she'll be safe every second of the day - I need her to be safe. Never have I cared for someone as much as I care for Ally.

She's the one person I love, the one person I want to be around with all the time, the one person I'm determinate to keep safe - the one person I can't survive without.

I smiled to myself as I looked at Ally's house. I was waiting for her to come out, since it was Friday night and she was going to sleepover at my place.

I still hadn't told Ally about what I was before I became a demon, but I guess I would tell her tonight. I'd have to tell her about how I once was an angel but then how my dear half-brother - please note the sarcasm - had to ruin it all.

He set me up for helping the demons to attack heaven. I don't know how he did it, but somehow he did and that caused me to get sent to Hell. And boy has that been unpleasant. But right now I actually see a positive side in this.

Well, except for the fact that I have a mission to complete. And that mission involves a person close to Ally. That person is a demon who escaped from Hell - which should never happen.

My mission? Kill that demon. I just hope that when I do, Ally won't leave me. Because it is going to upset her quite a bit, but to keep Ally safe I need to complete this mission.

Finally I saw Ally step out of the house, looking as beautiful as ever. Her brown hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing some white jeans and a red tank top. She looked absolutely gorgeous. I smiled at the sight of her, and got out of the car and walked up to her.

"Hey Angel." I smiled and flung my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. She giggled and a blush appeared on my cheeks.

"Hey Jay." She said and stood on her tippy toes and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I smiled and cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately. She kissed back almost immediately and her lips moved in a perfect sync with mine. I couldn't help but smile in the kiss, enjoying the feeling.

Everything about this girl is perfect. As we finally pulled away breathless, I just looked at Ally, admiring her beauty.

"Well, Angel, we better get going." I smiled, taking her hand in mine. She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go."

I was definitely planning on telling her at least a part of my past tinght, its for her safety. she has to know.  

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