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Ally's point of view

"I need to tell you something." Justin mumbled quietly, looking at anything but me. He was biting his lip clearly nervous, and he was fumbling with his fingers.

Why was he all nervous, which was what he'd never been. I watched him, as he took a couple deep breath before finally looking at me, his eyes were the honey brown color they rarely were and they were wull of nervousness.

His lips were parted and he licked them just before slumping his shoulders. He kept the same nervous stare on me and I was beginning to become a little scared of what it was he'd tell me.

"Do you remember when I um... told you that I haven't always been a demon?" Justin asked, causing me lo look at him in confusion. However after a few seconds I remembered him telling me such a thing.

Although that time we didn't talk any further about it - I sensed he didn't like to talk about it that much. And I didn't want to push him into talking about something he clearly wasn't comfortable talking about.

"Yeah, I remember." I spoke, looking at Justin who merely nodded. There was a couple minutes of silence in which neither of us spoke a word, we just looked at each other.

The silence wasn't an awkward one though. During that silence Justin was biting his bottom lip and occasionally licking his lips. His eyes had become an even lighter brown color and they looked like human eyes at the moment. I smiled at Justin in a way to assure him that whatever he was going to tell me was okay and I wouldn't judge him. I'd never judge him, I love him too much to do that.

"So um... about that-" Justin paused for a while and took a deep breath before looking me straight in the eyes and continuing:

"I was an angel before." His words took me by shock, I hadn't expected anything like this. But the main question on my mind was - why was he a demon now then? I mean if he once was an angel, what changed - what made him become a demon?

"My half-brother." Justin spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. It was actually odd that I heard it because it was so quiet. But I did and those words made me wonder even more of what had happened.

First of all, he had a half-brother? Second, how could his half brother make any difference in him being an angel or a demon? I was massively confused by everything going on.

"How? I mean... What happened?" I asked, unsure if he wanted to talk about it. Justin sighed and looked at me, his eyes suddenly clear of any emotion. They were still light brown though, only completely emotionless.

"He set me up. He... He made it seem like I helped some demons attack heaven, and... I got kicked out from heaven, sort of." Justin said, chuckling humorlessly at the end. Probably as an attempt to brighten the mood a little. I was a little shocked.

Why would his half-brother do that to him? I mean Justin is a really nice person what would make anyone do such a thing to him? I mean it was clear that it caused Justin to be devastated and angry - maybe even sad. To know that you did nothing but still suffer the consequenses.

"Oh..." Was all I could get out of my mouth, I was still deep in thought about whatever was the reason to Justin's half-brother to do such a thing. I could feel Justin's eyes on me but I didn't look up once.

Finally he let out a soft sigh and raised my chin with his index finger, looking deep into my eyes. I could feel his light breaths on my face - it tickled a little. Justin's eyes studied mine, and after a while he spoke:

"Don't worry about it too much, what happened has already happened. It's in the past."

After that he didn't talk about it for the whole night, we actually just watched movies all night - well that was until Justin got an idea that according to him was the best in the world. What was the idea, you ask? Well, it was the two of us baking a chocolate cake. Not such a good idea if you ask me.

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