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Ally's point of view

I stared at him in absolute shock, as his words sunk in my mind. I couldn't believe my ears. Justin basically just told me that he's a demon. From hell, that is. Could I even believe something like that? I mean yeah, Justin had told me that he isn't human but I didn't quite expect something a shocking as this. 

I don't know what I expected but this was some pretty shocking stuff. Justin looked at me, taking a long drag from his cigarette. His eyes were focused on me - carefully examining every move I'd make. I bit my lip nervously, not quite knowing what to say. I mean all kinds of thoughts were swarming around in my mind. Why was Justin here - on earth - if he was from Hell?

"I was sent up here for a mission." Justin answered, now gazing out the car window. A mission? That got me curious. What kind of mission could he be doing? I shook the thoughts off, focusing on the news that I just got. Sure, I did promise Justin I wouldn't be scared but out of instinct I was a slight bit scared of Justin. Just like they say; You're scared of something that's unknown to you.

"That was pretty... um... Well, I guess shocking is the word." I said, gulping slightly. Justin sighed and nodded, probably trying to keep his cool as he must have read my thoughts. He knew I was a bit scared of him. Which was bad, because I didn't want him to know.

 I hated the fact he was able to read every single one of my thoughts - that made me feel like I'd constantly have to control my thoughts around him. Just so I didn't think of something stupid that may either embarrass me completely or hurt Justin.

"I know you're scared of me, Ally. You can just say it, you know..." Justin mumbled, his voice barely audible. He sounded somewhat hurt and fragile as he said that. Like the fact I was scared of him was hurting him somehow.

"I... Of course I'm a bit scared Justin - I can' really help it." I spoke calmly, trying not to get upset because I didn't want Justin more upset than he maybe already was. I hated making people upset - that wasn't really my thing. Justin shook his head as he looked out the car window. He tossed his cigarette out the window, on the empty road. 

He grabbed the steering wheel and started the car again. I must have upset him, since he's acting like this. Justin kept his stare on the road as he drove pretty fast towards my house. I felt bad for making him upset. I truly did. But how can he expect me not to be scared?

I mean that's a natural reaction to be scared at some news like that. Especially when I know absolutely nothing about demons. I never even knew they actually existed - well that's until now then. Once again, I saw Justin tense up beside me.

"Can you please stop thinking about that?" Justin snapped, sounding ruder than he probably meant to be - judging by the way his eyes changed to a softer colour for a few seconds after he said those words. I sighed, knowing he was probably right. I should stop thinking of Justin being a d-God Ally, just stop it.

"Yeah... Sorry, I'm just a little shocked is all." I mumbled, shooting Justin a quick glance. He nodded, still keeping a firm stare on the road. Like we was mad at me. Like he didn't want to look at me.

"I'm not mad at you Ally." Justin spoke, suddenly glancing at me, showing me a small, hesitant smile. I gratefully smiled back, instantly feeling a little better by the sight of him smiling. Even if it was just a tiny smile, cause even a tiny smile is a smile.

"Alright... I just thought you might be cause I- ya know" I awkwardly mumbled, staring down at my lap, fiddling with my fingers nervously. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap itself around me, pulling me closer. Justin quickly glanced down at me, holding his arm around me. 

I noticed both his arms were pretty much covered in all kinds of tattoos. I never liked tattoos to be honest, but on Justin they looked hot. Oh lord, he must have heard that. Just keep it cool Ally, keep it cool... Justin chuckled at my left, and as I looked at him I saw that all too familiar amused smirk on his face. Jeez, there he goes with this cocky act again.

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