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Justin's point of view

I sat in my car, staring blankly at my house as I held the cigarette in my left hand, inhaling it every once and a while. I find it extremely relaxing to smoke. I ran my fingers through my hair feeling frustrated.

Outside the car rain was pouring down which was the main reason I didn't want to get out of the car. Also, I needed some time to think about today and everything in general. Although I found myself constantly thinking about Ally - once again. She never leaves my mind, not even for a second.

I took another drag from my cigarette, instantly feeling a little more relaxed. However as the memories of today came back in my mind I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I knew that the way I acted today hurt Ally. I mean I could read her thoughts and I knew I hurt her and made her confused. And what I said to her after class... I regret that.

But I had to do it to keep her safe. Remember when I said I had a mission here? Well, that mission involves someone close to Ally and I can't have her getting into this. It's way too dangerous and I care enough for her to keep her safe. In fact I need her to be safe and me not being around her is the perfect way to do that. I finally got out of the car after about two more hours of smoking and thinking of everything - well, mostly Ally.

I hate how she never leaves my mind for even a single second. To be honest, it gets annoying at times how I've only known her for a short amount of time but yet I can't stop thinking about her. Even at this very moment her face is circling around in my mind - the way she talks, smiles. Her gorgeous eyes. Everything about her is perfect. And that just makes me want her even more- No wait. I'll rephrase that; It makes me want to be close to her even more. It makes me want to be her friend. And maybe at some point something more than just a friend.

People seem to think that us demons don't have feelings - at least no other than hatred. But that's not true, most demons do have feelings. They can feel love, sadness, happiness and basically every feeling there is to feel. Of course there are some demons that are just like humans think we are.

They are cruel and filled with hatred - just like The Devil is. But I happen to be one of those demons that have feelings. And that makes me almost like a human - but of course I can never be completely human. And that's because I once was human, until I died and somehow became a demon. It's still not exactly clear to me how I became a demon. But that kinda doesn't matter, cause I am a demon and there's nothing I can do about it. I mean sure, if my boss - The Devil - ever decided to kill me, I would have the chance of becoming an angel, cause when a demon is destroyed they end up between heaven and hell. And then, if God accepts you to heaven, you become an angel.

If not - well... You sort of vanish into thin air. I plopped down on my bed, starting to do my homework of the day. I mean I can't attract attention so I have to do my homework as boring as it is. I sighed, and started doing my homework, as suddenly I remembered Ally and I should be doing the project we got from English. That's going to be awkward - only because I said what I said to her and I made her feel fucking horrible. And I know, that it's going be a hell of a lot of work to win her trust back. I sure hope she'll be able to forgive me when I explain myself to her.

I have my doubts though..."Fucking hell." I groaned, slamming my math book shut and tossing it to the floor angrily. I never was good at math in my human days when I went to school and that hadn't changed one bit. Ally however seemed to be good at it - in fact she seemed to be good at everything. I tugged my at my hair, frustrated by the fact that I was once again thinking of Ally.

As I parked my car in the school's parking lot the next day I felt nervous because I'd have to confront Ally. I fixed my hair before getting out of the car and walking to the school doors. First period was music, and of course Ally would be there. I don't fear seeing her at all, but what I do fear is her thoughts. She for sure hates me or at least is angry with me. That would me understandable.

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