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Ally's point of view

We were sitting on the roof of Justin's house, watching the sunset. Justin had a cigarette between his fingers and he'd occasionally take a drag from it. I sat between his legs and leaned my back against his chest. Justin other arms was wrapped protectively around my waist.

"Justin?" I asked, turning my head a little and looking up at him. Justin blew out a perfect ring of smoke before looking down at me. His eyes were loving and yet he looked alarmed - like he was constantly looking for any sign of danger. Yet he looked peaceful, if that even makes sense.

"Yes?" He spoke, never allowing his eyes to leave mine. I smiled and looked at him, for a while getting caught up in his perfection. It was hard not to, I mean Justin is - as I've said many times before - the definition of perfection.

"I love you, so much." I whispered, blushing a little as I said that. Justin grinned widely before pecking my lips softly.

"I know and I love you too." He spoke and I noticed this sparkle in his eyes that I'd only seen a few times before. It was the sparkle of love. I couldn't help but feel a little flattered about the fact that Justin had fallen in love with me. With me of all girls out there.

I was so happy that he was in my life, that he was my boyfriend. I love Justin, so much. I mean sure he isn't what I always imagined my boyfriend to be - he's a lot better. Of course he isn't human, but I'm completely fine with what he is. In fact I feel like our love is special exactly because he isn't human. We aren't like every other couple, I know that already now - I noticed it right away when we first kissed. We are special - Justin is special.

"Oh but you're special too, believe me." Justin said, pulling me closer to him. I could feel his steady heartbeat against my back, and his strong tattooed arm around my waist.

Justin smelled a little like cigarette due to the fact he was smoking at the moment and then there was the usual smell of his cologne. I blushed at his words, not quite being able to process the compliment I just heard from him.

I never got complimented like this from my before boyfriends. Yet another reason why Justin is so much better than them. And that list is endless, I could always name a thing about Justin that makes him so much better than any boy I've been together with.

"Angelll stop that" Justin whined, causing me to giggle. I played with his fingers, trying my very best to control my giggles. I took Justin's hand in mine, locking our fingers together.

Our hands fit perfectly, just like everything. It was pretty clear that we were destined, or so it seems. It seems like we're made for each other. But how can a human and a demon be made for each other?

"Sometimes it happens, you know, God has his plans for everyone." Justin spoke, bringing the cigarette to his lips.

"How do you know?" I asked, looking up at Justin who remained silent for a while, and just stared at the orange-coloured sky. Neither of us said anything, I just awaited for whatever it was that Justin would say and he was clearly trying to find the right words.

"Well... I wouldn't be here if God didn't have plans for me. I mean I wasn't... I wasn't a demon when I first died-" Justin paused for a while, taking a deep breath before tossing the cigarette to the ground. He never continued the sentence though, he just remained silent.

"What were you then?" I asked, and looked at him curiously. Justin shook his head slightly, it was clear he didn't want to talk about this.

"Look, I'll tell you some other time." He sounded tired all of sudden and there was a hint of sadness in his voice. I wonder what happened back then. I wonder why he's sad all of sudden. But I know he'll tell me when he feels like he's ready for it, I don't want to push him.

"Okay, that's fine." I spoke and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Justin flashed me smile, although I could see the hint of sadness in his eyes as he looked at me. I wonder what's wrong - I'd really want to help him. It kills me to see him like this.

"You know, I think I should be heading home..." I spoke, suddenly realizing mom was probably worried about me not being home yet. I have school tomorrow anyways. Justin nodded and suddenly stood up, scooping me into his strong arms.

I noticed his wings were visible, and before I even realized it he had jumped off the roof. I screamed, clutching on his shirt for dear life. Soon Justin was standing on the ground, me still clutching onto him. I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed, and I playfully glared at him and smaked his bicep.

"Justin! That was totally not funny!" I scolded attempting to sound angry which only made him laugh harder. Eventually I couldn't help it anymore either and I too burst out laughing. Justin walked to the car, his wings invisible once again. He sat me down in the passenger seat and buckled me on. He quickly kissed my head and then jogged to his side of the car.

"Sorry if I scared you Angel." Justin said, still chuckling a little. His dimples were showing as he smiled, looking at me. The sadness that was there only a little while ago, had now completely vanished. I shook my head smiling.

"Nah it's ok. I just- I was a bit shocked when you jumped off that roof is all." I assured, and Justin winked at me, leaning over to me.

"You'll be experiencing a lot more of that Angel." His lips brushed against my ear as he spoke, and it sent tingles all over my body. I blushed, and hid my face in my hands, not wanting Justin to see me as I was once again blushing. I seem to blush quite a lot when I'm around him.

Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket, and I took it out curious of what it was. There was one new message, which I opened immediately.

From: Hannah
Hey girlll, want to ride with me to school tomorrow? You and I have a lot to talk about - especially about you and Bieber ;)

I giggled slightly, glancing at Justin who was focusing on the road. I knew he knew what was in the message, he was constantly reading my thoughts. Justin smirked a little and I just shook my head. Oh God no, not cocky Justin again. Please.

"You can ride with her to school tomorrow, if I get to take you home Angel." Justin said, glancing at me quickly before focusing back on the road.

We were almost at my house already and to be honest I was a little disappointed. I wanted to spend more time with Justin. I'd see him tomorrow again and hopefully every day after that.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled, texting Hannah a reply.

To: Hannah
Sure, pick me up at 8.30? :)

Once we reached my house Justin leaned over to me and cupped my cheeks with his hands, placing his soft lips to mine. I immediately kissed back, admiring the feeling of our lips moving together. Loving how they fit together. Yet another thing that proved that Justin and I must be made for each other in some way. It's odd how we haven't even been together for one whole day, but we act like it's been forever.

But whatever it is, I love Justin and he loves me. That's all that matters.

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