Though judging by the way Jason laughed next and the way his lips curled up into an arrogant smirk, it was.

"Ah, my dear brother, are you missing someone?" Jason asked, smirking widely. My heart immediately began beating faster - he was talking to Justin!

Suddenly I felt a hard slap across my cheek, leaving a horribly burning pain across my face - it felt as my face were on fire. I whimpered as quietly as possible, not wanting Justin to know that I was in pain.

Jason smirked at me and then stuffed his phone back in his pocket, cocking his eyebrow up at my whimpering. God I hate him so much.

"Looks like we're gonna pay a little visit to Justin." He smirked, grabbing me by my waist, causing me to scream at the burning that his touch caused. It seemed to get worse every time he touched me.

I wanted to scream until I ran out of air, but I needed to remain strong. No matter how much pain I was in. I felt a single tear stream down my cheek that Jason had slapped and then heard a sizzling sound - like my face were really on fire. I gulped as Jason began to drag me somewhere, his grip tight around me.

"W-W-Where are we g-going?" I asked, my voice shaking more and more by each word I spoke. Jason chuckled and dragged me into a room that was pitch black dark. He didn't speak anything for a while though as he draggeg me further into the darkness.

"We're paying Justin a little visit." Jason chuckled and my eyes widened. What was he planning on doing? Was he planning on hurting Justin? I bit my lip hard to keep myself from making another sound even though my body was more and more in pain each second that passed by.

I suddenly felt myself being lifted off the ground and I yelped - surprised by the sudden loss of ground under my feet. It was terrifying really, to not to know what was happening.

The darkness around me was so thick I couldn't see a thing, the only thing I knew was that Jason was still holding a firm grip on me - his touch burning my skin.

A while later I noticed we were in the middle of some forest. I didn't understand how I had ended up here, I mean we were in Hell just a few seconds ago and now we were on Earth.

This was crazy, but crazy was what I had gotten used to my life being. Jason chuckled behind me, I knew that he had read my thoughts and somehow I felt defenseless in this moment. I couldn't do anything without him knowing.

"That, my dear Ally, is indeed true." I heard Jason's low voice speak from behind me, sending shivers down my spine. I gulped, trying my best to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat.

I was so scared of what might happen that I couldn't even think straight. The only thing my mind was focused on was Justin and that he might get hurt. And I couldn't allow that to happen, I couldn't allow Jason to hurt Justin.

Jason started to run through the forest, dragging me behind him as he ran. I could see trees fly past us, but I couldn't make out where we were going.

After a while I started feeling really nauseous, so I just closed my eyes to avoid becoming even more nauseous. I don't know for how long Jason ran, but when he stopped, I immediately knew where we were.

We were in front of Justin's house, and just two seconds later a very angry Justin stomped out of the house, his eyes pitch black. He looked inhuman, that's how angry he was.

He was staring straight at Jason like he wanted to kill him, which he might even do - I wouldn't be surprised. Then his eyes landed on me and after observing me for a few seconds, he looked even more furious than he was.

"What the fuck have you done to her?!" Justin barked, his voice a mixture of a hiss and a yell. I gulped feeling a little scared, but Jason just chuckled.

I could feel his grip tighten on me, which put me in even more pain than I already was in. Justin growled and took a step closer to Jason, his jaw constantly clenching and his body shaking with rage.

Then, all of sudden I was ripped away from Jason and pulled behind Justin, his hand holding me tightly. I sighed in relief as I felt his strong grip on my and as he held me behind him, shielding me from Jason.

"Oooh little Justin is a little angry here, isn't he?" Jason spoke in a sing-sang voice which caused Justin to growl and to pull me closer to him.

I grabbed his bicep to assure him I was still there and also, as an attempt to calm him down. I needed Justin to calm down, before he would od something stupid - and maybe get hurt himself in the process.

Justin however shook my hand off, not even looking back at me. He was too focused on Jason.

"You're dead." Justin hissed, his tone cruel and low. I looked at Jason, who looked a bit taken aback by this, however the smirk never leaving his face.

He furrowed his eyebrows together and looked at Justin, clearly thinking if Justin would really do anything to him.

Then, I heard how Justin hissed something under his breath and next thing I knew I heard Jason yell like he was in pain. And when I peeked past Justin, I saw that Jason was literally on fire.

There were huge flames all over him, though he didn't do anything to try and put them out. Instead, he looked at Justin with a cruel smirk spreading across his lips. I scrunched my eyebrows together, as Justin suddenly pushed me back, away from him. I was confused at first, but didn't think much of it.

Jason looked at me for a few seconds, his eyes burning with anger and a smirk still spread across his lips. He looked frightening. I saw how Justin tensed up as Jason turned back to him, a pained look now on his face.

Jason skin had started to turn into a slightly blackish color, caused by the flames burning his skin. I saw how his lips moved but Justin didn't seem to notice. It was like he was paralyzed.

I stepped forward, reaching out for him, just as the most terrible thing happened; I saw how huge flames surrounded Justin - the same kind of flames that were burning Jason, who now was nowhere to be seen.

There were only ashes left where he had once stood. I screamed at the top of my lungs, causing Justin to turn around and look at me with a pained and regretful expression spread across his flawless face. He didn't speak, but I saw his lips moving as he mouthed three words:

"I love you." And then, Justin collapsed to the ground, his body turning into nothing but a pile of ash.

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