internalized transphobia

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So I think this is pretty important to discuss but not a lot of people actually talk about it so that's why I'm here

But anyways what internalized transphobia is— it occurs in people who are trans. Its feelings of transphobia, often towards yourself. Many people deal with feelings of self hatred because they're trans, and they feel like that's wrong/sinful/etc.

The Internet's definition is "Internalized trans-phobia refers to feelings some people have inside about their being trans that they might not even be aware of. It refers to how some people hate that part of themselves and are ashamed of it. The phrase comes from the similar experiences of gay folk who sometimes have “internalized homo-phobia”."

I deal with this a lot, actually. I am not transphobic of course, and I work on not dealing with this at all. But hey, its okay that I do and its okay if you do. You aren't alone.

I believe a lot of this is due to society's view on trans people. Thankfully, society is getting better about this.

I don't have any tips for getting over this really. Just practice self love all you can. Something that works for a lot of people is to stand in a mirror and repeat a mantra. Something like

"I am valid, and there is nothing wrong with being trans. I am who I am and that is perfectly okay."

Even if you don't believe that, if you say it to yourself everyday along with practicing other self love things you'll really start to feel and believe it.

Hope this helped (:

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