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Okay, so what stealthing is is when you don't let ANYONE know you're trans. Like, they see you as your correct gender but they don't know you weren't assigned said gender at birth.

This isn't required, this isn't something you need to or should feel obligated do. Its just an option. I personally cannot stealth right now, but I'm trying to ease into it and will attempt to stealth when school starts back again.

So, you can tell anyone you need to tell or want to tell, but not many. That's the whole idea. The only people you NEED to tell is any partner you intend to have sexual relations with. I mean, I guess you could go without telling them if you're post-op (and your surgery looks good) but if you still have the genitals you had at birth you oughta tell them.

So, some tips for stealthing!
(Disclaimer: I told you guys, I'm currently not 100% stealthing so this isn't from personal experience, while pretty much everything else in this book is.)
•this should be obvious, but just in case. If you choose to tell some close friends, cool. just please watch who you tell. If your friend might out you if y'all get in a fight, Better not tell them. also, if your best friend is a gossip, I wouldn't tell them. even if they swear they won't tell or promise not to mention it. I wouldn't risk it. You can tell whoever, but I personally wouldn't do something like that just to be safe.
•if you have a roommate or someone who spends the night often/someone you spend the night with/someone sleeping in the same place as you that doesn't know be careful, especially if you haven't had top surgery. Wear loose clothing or  something so they don't see your chest in that case, whatever you have to do. Please just be careful though.
•something I'm like terrified of next year um. If your family doesn't call you by your correct name/pronouns or slips up a lot, maybe don't have people over. Or, if they're willing to, beg them to just call you by the right name when there's someone over. I don't know, I'll let y'all know what works for me :/
•DO NOT TELL ANYONE THAT YOU DON'T 100% THINK SHOULD KNOW. I mean, yes you can tell whoever you want but trust me people will tell. I wouldn't tell anyone but sexual partners and mayyybe very very close friends
•do everything you can to pass. I of course realize most of you do this anyways but reeeeally try, it'll help loads.
•work on your voice most if you're pre-t. I know so, so many trans guys who pass fine right until they open their mouths. I'll try and do another chapter on speaking later.
•if you're still in school, see if you can get your name changed in the yearbook. That's what outed me this year :/

That's all I can think of. If y'all think of  anything else let me know and I'll add it!

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