naturally transitioning!!

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Sorry about lack of updates!! But here I am.

So for my pre-t buddies out there, this will be pretty useful for you. Some trans guys choose not to transition using testosterone, or simply can't get hormones at the moment. I'm dealing with the latter, and I'm sure most of you are too.

But that's okay! Males and females both have testosterone and estrogen in their bodies, bio males just have more testosterone and bio females have more estrogen. The trick is to help your body up testosterone production. Obviously, naturally transitioning won't work nearly as well as getting T shots. But if you can't get them right now/don't want to/etc., it's a great alternative. And before I start, I don't know why any of this helps you produce testosterone so don't ask

One thing that helps a ton is plenty of exercise. Working out is pretty much the best you can do as a trans man. Like come on, it boosts T in your body naturally, it works off body fat (which means less breast fat), it makes you feel hella manly, it gives you super muscles which can be p manly (I love the word manly), and its healthy af. cardio is your best friend honestly

Now most everything else is diet based. So I'm gonna get a list of things that boost T production in your body and a few foods containing these things.

°Pumpkin seeds
°Egg yolks
°Dark Chocolate***
°Brown rice
°Sesame seeds
°Brussel sprouts
°Dark leafy greens
°Nuts and seeds
°Beans and lentils
°Whole grains
°Low-fat dairy
°Dry fruit
°Dark chocolate
•Vitamin D
°Fortified cereals
°Dairy products
°Pork and ham
•Mono-saturated fat
°Olive oil
°Canola oil
°Peanut oil
°Safflower oil
°Sesame oil

*zinc is like the #1 thing to eat so like a high zinc diet would be super great (as long as you don't eat only zinc bc that's not good)
**oysters are super high in zinc so  that'll help a ton (but rip @ me bc I can't stomach seafood)
***dark chocolate pops up on this list so much basically exercise and chocolate are gonna be ur best friends from now on.

So yeah if you want to transition but can't get T, you might find this pretty handy (: I'll try to do ways to up estrogen for my mtf buddies too! (And that'll be useful for ftms too, you can check out things to avoid)

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