coming out

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So coming out is a pretty big deal to some people. Whether you've already done it, are sorta out, or are 100% closeted, its scary shit. I'm 100% out to my family and most people I know, excluding a few who see me as a guy and all but don't know im trans. So here are some do's and don'ts of coming out!
But it should be noted this can be wildly inaccurate based on the person you're coming out to. I'm talking in general here, but kind of use what  you know about them to make your own judgment.

DO NOT come out with something random xD or anything. Like something that could be taken as a joke. One, if they react badly thats a super uncomfortable mood switch along with the huge letdown and everything else with that. Also, there's the chance that they'll take it as a joke and never truly take your gender seriously.

DO try and be open and honest. If you're questioning, admit it. Trust me, I know being open with people (especially family sometimes) is hard and uncomfortable. But more than likely, its for the best. By being open, you can tell them how this affects you and what you'd like to do about it. The more they actually understand the me likely they are to accept you. If everything goes super smoothly, you can have a rational conversation about how it'll be handled.

• DO NOT come out online rather than face to face with people (especially family). trust me on this one guys. This was how my dumb ass came out three years ago, still feeling the burn for it. It's just not a good idea in any sense.

• DO be understanding of the other person. I know how hard this can be. I'm not saying be cool if someone's just being straight up transphobic, but I mean if someone (parents especially) needs time to process everything before they call you by your correct pronouns/name, that's okay and you should respect them. I mean, coming out as trans is a big deal to everyone around you. It can be a lot. Honestly, what helps me though stuff like that is imagining how much worse it could have been. There's always a way it could have gone worse, but it didn't and its good to remember that. Besides, ngl the above scenario is p damn good.

• DO NOT start arguments over it just to start arguments. Like if your family doesn't accept you, pushing a little is great and all but starting fights on purpose is an awful idea. Not only does it put further divide between you and whoever you're coming out to, but it can cause them to not accept you. Maybe out of spite, to prove a point, or they begin to resent the idea of you being trans because they tie it to the fighting. Overall, awful awful idea.

• DO come out on your own terms. don't let anyone pressure you into coming out, dont come out just because its a good time. The #1 most important thing out of all these is making sure you're ready, and prepared no matter how it goes. This is for you, and it's crucial you're ready to be out.

I hope these helped some! I know they're kinda basic mostly but they're great to keep in mind.

Have A great day!! Yall Are valid as fuck

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