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Okay so this is a minor thing but it makes so much difference in how you pass.

So, the most obvious difference between the way men and women walk is the hips. Women tend to sway their hips more, guys not so much. That's the biggest thing, so try to keep that in mind.

Also arms. Women generally take up less space and keep their arms closer to their sides, while guys have them a bit father. Don't over do this or you'll look like an awkward caveman who's ready to fight. Another thing for arm movement, don't swing your arms much. Women swing their arms more. But guys don't keep your arms stiff to your side bc you'll look so weird OK

And legs ok guys generally have their legs a bit father apart than women but again don't over do it please.

I'm just trying to picture someone over doing the arms + legs further apart thing with stiff arms I'm laughing

Anyways back to topics of relevance,,, um just some general tips??? Walk with whatever confidence you have ok keep ur head up dude. At least fake it like the rest of us. Kinda keep ur back straight if u can but ur shoulders hunched a little more.

I think that's it

Love y'all, have a  great day

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