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"You let her go right fucking now and then I'll do my job." Justin hissed, his shoulders shaking from anger. He took a step closer to Jason and I, his eyes so black that I had never seen a shade so dark.

His eyesbrows were scrunched together and his jaw was clenched. He looked beyond pissed.

Suddenly I felt a strong arm wrap around my throat, making my breathing harder. I gasped and something seemed to happen to Justin, his eyes lightened a little bit and he tensed up.

His lips were parted and he stared at me, not uttering a word. A low chuckle was heard from behing me - it was obviously Jason.

"Quite the shock, eh? Now brother, you have to learn that I am your boss. You do whatever I say - in this case the job I assigned you, or she dies. Understood?" Jason's tone was threatening and emotionless.

I whimpered trying to breath despite of the strong grip Jason had around my neck. Justin shot me a worried look before clenching his fists and looking at Jason, his expression returning to angry.

"Let. Her. Go." He seethed through his teeth, but Jason simply chuckled and shook his head, tightening his grip around my neck.

Fuck, I could barely get any air in my lungs. This was bad. But the situation became even worse when I looked at Justin again. Seeing him stand there, looking at me with hopeless eyes was probably the hardest thing to experience.

I had never seen him like that, I had never seen such an expression on his face. His dark eyes were dull and clear of any other emotion but hopelessness.

It broke me to see him like that. Justin parted his lips as if he were to say anything, but nothing came out. Well, nothing but a low hiss. I felt Jason tighten his grip around my neck making it even harder for me to breathe. I noticed how Justin tensed up as I struggled to get some air in my lungs.

"You have to decide Justin, either you do your job or she dies." Jason spoke, his voice threatening and low. I gasped fot air and tried to pry Jason's arm from around my throat. I needed to breather properly. But as expected, I didn't succeed - he was way too strong, which would be obvious seeing he was the Devil.

Justin looked at me, his eyes now showing fear - yet another thing I had never seen on his face. Fear of losing me. I looked at him, and thought of his job. At first I had been against it, but that was when I still thought my father was my biological father. But after finding out I had been lied to my whole life until now, I actually was willing to give in. I was was willing to allow Justin to do his job.

"You're a very smart girl." Jason said, the permanent smirk plastered across his face. He loosened his grip around my neck a little, allowing me to breath normally again. Justin glared at him angrily, growls escaping from the back of his throat.

"Let her go Jason." He snapped, his voice though coming out as a mixture of hisses and growls. It was inhuman - not to mention scary. Jason merely chuckled and traced his finger over my cheek sending waves of discomfort and burning pain through my whole body. I whimpered quietly feeling frightened of Jason and of what he might do to me.

I looked at Justin with pleading eyes, wanting nothing more than his arms around me. I wanted him to hold me, to assure I was fine. Justin looked at me, inhaling deeply before speaking:

"Fine, I'll do the job."Jason laughed coldly, and let go of me, pushing me forward. I stumbled and was about to hit the floor when a pair of familiar strong arms catched me and pulled me in a tight embrace.

I whimpered and buried my face in the person's chest. My eyes welled up with tears as his arms tightened their grip around me. Justin placed a delicate kiss on my cheek, holding me tightly against his chest as I cried.

"Make sure your job is done in the next five days, or you know what happens." Jason spoke threateningly. I felt Justin tense up, but I think he nodded because not another word was spoken.

"Come on Angel, let's go." He whispered to me and I clung onto him tightly. I didn't trust my legs - I was afraid they would give in under me. Justin sighed and I felt his strong arms scoop me up and hold me up.

I laid my head against his shoulder as tears still fell. Justin walked out of the room, not speaking another word to his brother. I sniffled and Justin rubbed my back gently. Then I fell into complete darkness, where I could hear nothing or feel nothing.

When I woke up I had a horrid headache. Also it felt like every inch of my skin was burning. I groaned quietly, causing someone to gasp and I heard quick footsteps run towards me.

I opened my eyes slowly, wanting to know who this person was. I was afraid I was still in Hell. I was afraid Jason still had me. But my fears were washed away right when I saw the person who was kneeled next to me, his sorrowful yes staring into mine.

I sniffled, reaching my arms out for him, wanting nothing more than for him to hold me. Justin immediately wrapped his arms around me. His touch was so gentle, he held me like I was some doll that could break.

I buried my head in his shoulder, shaking slightly. I was still so scared of what had occured - I couldn't get it out of my mind.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Angel, I-" Justin spoke, but his voice cracked and he didn't finish his sentence. I glanced up at him, and noticed tears were falling down his face and that his bottom lip was trembling.

It shattered my heart to see him in such a state, to see him so hurt. I reached my hand out and wiped his tears away with my thumb. He looked down at me and gulped.

"Justin, you got nothing to be sorry of." I assured and he sighed, shaking his head. He looked so disappointed in himself. I sighed, grabbing his face ever so gently and placing my lips onto his, kissing him lovingly.

I was so glad that I was here, in his arms. I felt so safe with him. Justin kissed back almost immediately, a couple of his tears mixing with our lips causing the kiss to taste the slightest bit salty. I didn't mind though, the kiss was perfect.

"I love you Justin. So much. And I'm totally fine with you doing your job - you don't have to feel guilt about it. Or guilt about anything that occured today because it was not your fault." I spoke sincerely, meaning every single word that left my mouth. Justin sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. He licked his lips and slowly nodded.

"Okay, Angel. I'm sorry it had to turn out like this. And I love you too." He cracked a slight smile and embraced me in a tight hug, his head nuzzling into my neck.

I giggled as it tickled the skin of my neck. Justin chuckled a little, his breath hitting against my skin, sengin shivers down my spine.

"Thank you Justin, for getting me away from there." I whispered quietly, causing Justin's head to snap up and his eyes to lock with mine. He nodded slowly, placing a quick kiss on my forehead causing a blush to rise on my cheeks.

Justin smiled at me genuenly, suddenly getting up with me still in his arms. I looked at him with slight vonfusion, wanting to know what he was up to.

"I'll put some cream on those bruises of yours... Jason's touch burned you pretty badly." Justin spoke, looking at anything but me as he walked to the bathroom and sat me down on the counter.

He got the first-aid kid and got out some cream that he started to gently put on the bruises that were all over me. I would wince every now and then from the slight sting and then Justin would kiss the bruise gently and glance up at me apologetically.

He's such a caring and loving person, everything I could've ever asked for. He's my dream come true.

"You're my dream come true too, Angel. You're everything I've ever wanted. I love you."

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