"Justin what are you doing!?" I exclaimed and looked at Justin who was eating chocolate that was supposed to be in the cake. He gave me those puppy eyes and just continued eating it as if nothing ever happened.

I glared at him and snatched the rests of the chocolate away from him. He glared at me and tried to grab the chocolate from me.

"Noooo, give it back!" He whined, giving me those puppy dog eyes once again. i groaned and shook my head.

"No Justin! We're supposed to bake a chocolate cake. It's not a chocolate cake, if you eat all the chocolate." I said, shaking my head a little. Justin groaned and snatched the chocolate away from me, stuffing a lot of it in his mouth.

He looked at me and smirked while eating even more chocolate. I glared at him and folded my arms on my chest.

"What? I like chocolate!" Justin exclaimed, grinning at me innocently. I shook my head and snatched the rest of the chocolate away from him. I took a bite from it myself, causing to Justin's jaw drop in shock.

"Oh you did not!" He gasped causing me to turn on my heel and run away as fast as possible - with the chocolate in my hands. I could hear Justin's footsteps from behind me and I continued to stuff the chocolate in my face while I was running.

Justin was laughing behind me, as he chased me outside of the house. I saw the ladder that lead to the roof of the house, and I decided to climb it up. I held the chocolate in my other hand and started to climb as I possibly could.

I knew Justin was just on my heel but that just made me climb faster. I giggled to myself as I reached the roof and sat there, quickly eating more chocolate.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and the chocolate was taken away from my hands. I heard Justin's laugh as he sat next to me on the roof, keeping his arm around me. I looked at him, and he was smiling so wide his dimples were showing.

"You know, maybe we could share the rest of the chocolate - on one condition."

"What's that condition?" I asked and looked at him. He smirked.

"You sleep with me tonight." He spoke, and smirked. I gasped and slapped his chest.

"Ew, no!" I exclaimed only to make Justin laugh loudly. I looked at him in confusion - what did he find so funny about this? Justin leaned closer to my ear and whispered:

"I didn't mean it like that, Angel. I meant that you'd sleep in my bed, in my arms tonight, if you want of course." I blushed and nodded, suddenly feeling stupid. Justin chuckled and gave me a piece of chocolate, himself taking a piece too.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and ate the chocolate. Justin's arm was tightly around my waist, keeping me close to him. I could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

He gave me another piece of chocolate and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I smiled and ate the piece of chocolate, enjoying how it felt to have his arm around me, to feel him this close to me.

"No more chocolate left." Justin said and chuckled. I shook my head smiling and got up making my way to the ladder. Justin looked at me confused, as if to say; Where are you going? I giggled and started to climb down.

"We have a chocolate cake without chocolate to finish, remember?" I yelled up at him, a huge smile on my face. He chuckled and started to climb down after me.

I climbed down quickly and waited for Justin at the bottom. He chuckled and scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile - maybe our plan didn't exactly go according to plan but we were still having a lot of fun.

"Now let's finish that cake Angel." Justin smiled and we started to finish the chocolate cake we started. Only now there wasn't going to be any chocolate in it. But that didn't matter, what mattered was that we had fun.

We were laying on Justin's bed eating the cake we made. To be honest it actually tasted really good. I laid my head on Justin's chest as I felt myself get a little tired.

Justin smiled, wraping his arm tighter around me and then pulled me closer to him. I smiled, taking his other hand in mine and lacing our fingers together. I felt so happy and content in this moment. I felt safe in Justin's arms - like nothing or no one could hurt me as long as I was with him. Justin kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger there for a while.

"When I was an angel I always dreamt of finding a girl who would love me. But... What's so ironic about it is, that only when my half-brother had set me up and after I had become a demon - that only then I met you." Justin spoke and held me even closer. I smiled at his words, letting them sink into my mind.

"Well then, in some ways it's good that you became a demon." I said and pecked Justin's lips. He chuckled and pecked back.

"Yes, yes it is." He whispered before kissing me passionately and lovingly. I smiled, immediately kissing back just the same as he kissed me. I could feel in the kiss how much Justin loves me, how much he cares for me. And I hope he felt how much I love him. Because that's a lot.

We pulled away after a while, and I just rested my head on his chest. Justin stroked my hair twirling small strands around his fingers. He would kiss my forehead at random moments, somehow always catching me by surprise.

I would blush every single time. That's just the effect he has on me. He always makes me blush.

"I love you Angel." He whispered and I found myself blushing again.

"Why do you call me Angel, Justin?" I suddenly asked him, staring at the ceiling as I awaited for his answer. For a while he said nothing, he just kept stroking my hair and I felt his other hand pull me closer to him.

He once again kissed my forehead softly before speaking;

"Because you're as beautiful as an angel, you're an angel on earth, Ally. That's why I call you Angel."

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