"You think I look hot with tattoos huh, Ally?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. I quickly shook my head but knew that I had already lost this battle, just like all the others too. Justin always knew what I actually was thinking - he would always be right on everything. And that's what annoyed me the most about him. 

Otherwise he was pretty much perfect-Oh stop it, don't flatter the boy too much Ally.

"I see you like me a lot." Justin winked at me and chuckled. I felt a slight blush creep on my cheeks and I was quick to hide my face in my hands embarrassed by the fact I was blushing. Justin had this damn effect on me - he made everything in my life different. Sure, he wasn't human-Damn it Ally, you weren't supposed to think of that.

"No it's okay." Justin mumbled, but I knew it really wasn't. I knew he didn't want to be reminded of him being different every second of the day. But me being human - humans can't control their thoughts. And I know that Justin knows that.

"I'll try though." I announced, smiling at Justin kindly. I really would try.

"No I think... I think it's best if we just talk about me as what I am. I need to face reality anyways... It's been about a hundred years so yeah.. Time to face reality" Justin spoke. I frowned a little -A hundred years? Is he really that old? I mean he looks like he's my age. This keeps getting more and more complicated every time a little more information about him is revealed. 

But oh well - life is complicated, nothing I can do about it. To be honest, I actually like how Justin isn't exactly normal. I know - sounds weird but that's the truth. The complete, honest truth.

"Wow. You really are different Ally. I see that now even more clearly." Justin said, smiling down at me. Oh how beautiful his smile is-Stop it Ally.  I'm seriously crazy - I'm fucked up in the head. All these thoughts of his look all the time - so frustrating. Sure, I have to admit that he does have the looks but it's frustrating that I can't stop thinking about it. 

There's something about him that makes me want to be close to him all the time. He's scary yet somehow intriguing. I mean it's not like I love him - I don't even know him properly. But I sure would like to know him and at least be friends with him. I don't know if he wants to be friends with me - but it's worth a shot anyway.

"How am I different?" I asked Justin, confused by his words. He had explained me this before but what I don't understand is what about today makes him even more convinced of me being so different from other humans.

"Well, you didn't run away from me after what I told. And also, from your thoughts I can see you still want to be around me." Justin said, smiling lightly at me. I guess that he's been left alone too often during these years - or maybe he's been keeping to himself all these years. But as for me, I won't be leaving him. No way I would do something as stupid as that, since I promised him I wouldn't leave. And as long as he doesn't leave me I'm not going anywhere.

I  looked at Justin, who was once again looking at the road. However, there was a small smile playing on his lips. He looked amazing with that smile on his face. He seemed happy to me in this moment. I felt a smile tug at my lips too. Only seeing Justin smile made me so happy I felt like I could explode. I heard a soft chuckle from my left - Justin was reading my thoughts again. Does he ever stop?

"You amuse me Ally, you truly do." He sounded so happy in this moment, yet there was a hint of the usual cockiness in his voice. Christ, does this boy ever stop being cocky? I shook my head slightly, looking out the window to keep Justin from seeing the blush that was on my cheeks at this very moment. 

I hated the part of me that was effected by Justin. Every thing he does has some kind of effect on me. And that's bad.

"Stop it already Justin, you're making me blush" I whined, causing Justin to let out a laugh. I playfully slapped his arm, biting my lip to keep myself from bursting into a fit of laughs. It was odd how despite the news he just told me a while ago I could act like this with him. All goofy and friendly. But I guess because I already knew he wasn't human it just didn't have that kind of an effect on me. 

Yes, it shocked me but not enough to make me want to run away from him. Actually, I enjoy being around him despite his cocky player act.

"I like seeing you blush shawty." Justin said, winking down at me playfully. I rolled my eyes at him, still biting my lip as I knew I'd burst out laughing any second. Justin seemed to know that, because he kept making those goofy faces until we were at my house. And by that time, I was laughing hysterically and clutching my stomach.

I was laughing so hard that it actually hurt. I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down and then took my bag in my hand and reached for the door handle, only for Justin to grab my arm. I looked at him confused, but he wasn't in the car anymore. In a flash of a few seconds he was already by my side of the car. He opened the car door for me, doing a playful salute in the process.

"Always gotta be a gentleman, eh?" He said, chuckling as he watched me get out the car, a blush yet again burning on my cheeks.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I mumbled, embarrassed by the effect he had on me. He had me blushing in a matter of seconds. Almost everything he did would result in me blushing like crazy. This boy sure is different from the others - no boy has had this kind of effect on me ever before.

"So will I see you at school tomorrow shawty?" Justin asked, grinning at me as he leaned on his car. I looked at him, admiring him as I thought about my answer. Of course he'd see me at school tomorrow, what was he even thinking? 

My parents wouldn't let me skip school in a million years. I'd get in a whole load of trouble for that - no matter what the excuse. Justin smirked at me, and from that I knew he was reading my thoughts again.

"Yeah, you will see me tomorrow Justin. Oh and by the way, please stop calling me shawty." I said, throwing my bag over my shoulder, as I shot him a small smile. Justin smirked.

"Does it annoy you when I call you shawty?" He asked amused. I shook my head, but truth is - it really does annoy me when he calls me that.

Justin smirked at me, when I started walking to my door. Before he got in his car, he spoke once more. "Well, see you tomorrow then, shawty"

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