Of course it was Mr.'I'm so cocky and full of myself and I think I can get every girl on their knees in front of me'. Also known as Justin Bieber.

"It's nice how you think so lowly of me, shawty." He snickered and wrapped his arm around my waist. I froze - those were the exact same words that I heart yesterday in my room. And Justin's voice sounded like that one too.

But it must be a coincidence, because there's no way Justin was in my room last night. Or even behind my window, because like it said, my room is on the second floor and there are no trees close to the windows.

Yet the words Justin said sounded weirdly familiar - in fact, scratch that. It sounded scarily familiar.

"How would you know anything of the way I think of you Bieber?" I snapped, trying to pry his hands off my waist.

Sure, it felt good to be in his arms but I just can't feel like that. I can't. Justin is a player and a self-centered jerk. Justin chuckled,turning me around so my back hit the lockers.

He pinned both of his arms on either sides of my head. I couldn't move an inch. He smirked, and leaned closer to me, his lips brushing against mine by every word he spoke.

"Oh shawty, you have no idea of what I know about you." He smirked, and reached his hand over to his shades. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Finally going to take those off Bieber?" I asked curiously and he huffed. He let his hand fall back down but he soon but it on the other side of my head yet again, keeping me trapped.

Justin is a very controling person I must admit - at least that's how he acts. He's so weird. He doesn't even seem human in a way and that face scares me; I mean if he's not human what can he be? I have to find out about that. And soon.

"How about we work on that project today in the library after school?" Justin asked, and I could sense a little nervousness in his voice. I must be mistaken though, Justin doesn't seem like the kind of guy to be nervous, not at all.

'Maybe everyone isn't what they seem to be' I froze and loked around franctically. There it was again, the voice. Where could it have come from? But there was no one else near me than Justin.

But it couldn't be him, it just couldn't. His lips weren't moving. He didn't speak at all. Justin waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I couldn't help but feel paranoid though - I admit it. I was frightened. And somehow right now in this moment Justin's presence seemed to just make me feel more frightened.

There's something odd about that boy, and I'm determinate to find out what it is.

"Earth to Ally, I asked you a question." Justin chuckled. I felt my cheeks heat up from embarassment, and I took a few deep breaths.

"Uh... Yeah, sure... See you there then at 3.15" I said, and Justin nodded, finally letting his arms fall to his sides. He ran a hand through his hair, as he just stood there for a while, his lips parted.

I began to feel a bit uncomfortable under his stare - at lest I suppose he was looking at me. But I once again couldn't be for sure because those damned shades he was wearing.

Justin awkwardly cleared his throat, and spoke.

"Well, I'll see you then shawty." And with that he walked away, leaving me there just like every time.

At exactly 3.15 I stood nervously in front of the library, debating if I should go inside or not. Why am I even nervous, this is just a stupid school project. And I just had to end up doing it with the biggest jerk in my class. Isn't that fanstastic? Yeah, thought so.

Justin is a very handsome and sexy - a jerk though. My thoughts were interupted by someone clearing their throat in front of me. I looked up, and saw Justin standing there, his arms folded over his chest.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked, sounding somewhat annoyed. I took a quick glance at the clock - 3.30 PM. Wow, I'd been standing here for 15 minutes. Justin groaned annoyed causing me to look at him.

"Well?" He snapped harshly and I realized he was waiting for my answer.

"Alright alright I'm coming on need to be so fucking mean about it!" I spat, annoyed by the fact he was being this mean all of sudden. Justin grabbed my hand roughly and dragged me in the library.

I could do nothing but follow him, feeling scared and annoyed at the same time. Justin sat us down at a table in the corner. He seemed tense and angry. I felt so annoyed by the way he was talking to me a while ago.

Okay yes, I was late but there was no need to snap at me like that and drag me in the library like that. I looked at my wrist, where now was a handprint. It had already turned a light shade of purple - perfect.

"Now, are we going to work on this fucking project or not!?" Justin snapped, and I looked at him. Why was he all of sudden being like this?

"Why can't you act like a normal human being for once?" I cried out frustrated. Justin leaned over the table, chuckling coldly.

He was scaring me. He was frightening and I didn't want to be close to a person like this. Whatever he was - human or something else. I was determinate to find out - I needed to know what he was.

Justin had leaned even closer to me, his breath tickling on my ear. I was frightened of him.

"Well maybe that's because I might not be human" Justin spoke, his voice cold. He sounded angry and his voice was so different from what is usually was.

Now it was cold, low and it came out as hisses. Justin was so close to me I could feel his heart beating.

"What are you then?" I asked, my voice shaky. Justin chuckled coldly, grabbing my shoulders tightly. His grip sent jolt of pain throughout my whole upper body - that's how tight his grip was. I felt myself shake a little from the fear.

"Oh babygirl, you have no idea who or what I am." He whispered, sending shivers down my back. He was right though, but one thing I knew. He was definitely not human.

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