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Meeting Again

I decided to just get food anyway and Trinity came back just in time for me to invite her to come with me. While we walked towards the restaurant, I wanted to tell Trinity about what happened between me and "Mr. David Gandy" and after five minutes of explaining and three minutes of calming her down form her squeals, we finally went to get something to eat.

The place we walked upon is called Ruby's so we decide to go in and try it out. We sat in a booth and talked about what are plans for this summer are and men (mostly Trinity) but she talked most of the time while I listened. I'm not really much of a talker so I don't mind much. Minutes later, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and on my way there, I bumped into something hard. Looking up I come face to face with someone I️ thought I'll never see again.

"You got to be kidding me.." I grumbled at the man known as Mr.Gandy. At his height of 6'3 I presume, he looks down at me with that perfect smile and I had to stop myself from blushing again.

"Hello Jenna. We meet again and I think it just might be a coincidence running into you this time." He said grinning from ear to ear.

"More like karma..." I murmured quietly. Look, I have no problem with the man it's just that I'm not his type. He probably goes out with models and celebrities not a lonely twenty-five year old woman like me. Clearing my head from those thoughts, I️ return my attention back to him.

"Out of all the places around here, what are you doing here at this restaurant?" I asked.

"Well if you must know, I'm here with friends like you probably are and trying to have a good time. There's no harm in doing that right? Now if that's answer your question I would like to ask you one if I️ may." I rolled my eyes at his response but replied anyway.

"Fine go ahead." The next thing that happened I didn't expect at all. He grab one of my hands and pulled me towards his body and set the other on top of my hip and squeezed lightly. I shuttered as his breath hit my ear.

This is definitely not a question!

"Look I'm going to tell you straight up how I feel. I like you and I know we barley know anything about each other but I'm willing to take that chance. You captivated me to a point where I cant stop thinking about you. You've been on my mind all day that the thought of you sends chills down my spine. So with that being said I want to take you on a date." His murmured huskily in my ear. I nodded without a second thought but I instantly pulled away from him.

"Wait, wait, wait. Why do you wanna go on a date with me? There are plenty of women who would probably dream to be in position and you choice me? I mean I know you just told me that you like me but I still shocked by your confession ." I said a small frown forming on my face.

"Like I said you captivated me beyond heights. Do I need to explain more on how I feel?" He asked his eyes shining with humor. I shook my head no and sigh quietly while putting my head on his chest.

"Jenna where are you!" I stiffened at the sound of Trinity voice in the distance. He pulled away from me but before he did, he ran a hand down my hair looking into my eyes with an unknown emotion.

"That my cue to leave now but before I go, I want you to meet me at the bridge by the beach at eight o'clock. Don't be late." He rushed out quickly as we heard her footsteps getting closer. He leaned down and kissed my forehead lightly making me gasp in surprised at his gesture. He leaned away and looked at me one more time before walking away.

"What did I just get myself into?"

Hello readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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