Chapter 9 - True Saiyan Grit

Start from the beginning

A colony of soldiers all shot ki blasts in Bardock's progressing direction.

"Is that all you got?! Pathetic!" Bardock cried as he easily deflected their attack with his forearm. Afterwards, several soldiers attempted to strike at him on their own. No matter what they tried, Bardock correctly second-guessed them and turned their own attacks against each other.

"We have to stop him!" One soldier screeched. With yells of agreement, a cluster of soldiers collectively tackled Bardock, enclosing around his entire form. With a loud cry, Bardock powered up and out of his own volition alone he was able to move the cluster of soldiers toward the ship.

"Come on, men! We can't let him reach the ship!" One soldier cried out to the others as he held tightly onto Bardock's neck.

"FREIZAAAAA!" Bardock yelled out hoarsely as he pushed himself forward.

Freiza watched Bardock's performance stonily on the monitor. A slight chill ran up his spine when he saw what a half dead saiyan was able to do his legion of well-trained soldiers. Luckily for him, the destruction of Vegetasei could not have come any sooner.

"It's clear that it's me he wants," Freiza finally uttered aloud. Zarbon and Dodoria knew better to respond to his query.

"Well, what is to be, shall be…" Freiza accepted. "Zarbon, please prepare my vehicle for transport outside."

The deafening cries of their soldiers could be clearly hear over the monitor and Zarbon gulped.

"But sire, are you absolutely sure that you want to leave the safety of the spaceship?" Zarbon replied.

"Do not question my desires! Are you able to fulfil your duties as my first general or not?!" Freiza screamed back.

"Yes, sir! Of course, sir! It shall only take me a moment!" Zarbon responded quickly as he hastily scurried away.

"Freiza! Why don't you come out and fight me yourself?" Bardock shouted at the spaceship as he crept closer, even with a dozen or more soldiers holding him down. With a loud yell, Bardock shot out his pent up ki in all directions causing all of Freiza's men plummet. Then a smaller group of soldiers latched onto Bardock's formidable form. Pulling the small group of attacking soldiers along with him, Bardock hovered over the main opening of Freiza's intimidating spaceship.

"Freiza, I know all about your plans to destroy Vegetasei and I'm here to put stop to all your madness!" Bardock cried out. Suddenly, the main doors slid open and the top of Freiza's head could be seen as he levitated up in his air car, his thick tail draped over the side.

"Lord Freiza!" The soldier hanging onto Bardock's arm cried out as he straightened up. "Many salutations!"

The other legionnaires all began to get into form, following the lead of the previous solider.

"Long live, Lord Freiza!" They all chanted, barely in unison. Bardock sneered at their revelry.

"Long live, Freiza? In my humble opinion, this asshole has lived long enough!" Bardock barked. "I think it's time that someone finally told you what a lousy emperor you truly are!"

Frieza focused his gaze onto Bardock as he cocked his head to one side. He then lifted a pointed fingertip that glowed bright with his purple energy. Disregarding Freiza's dead calm, Bardock shook off the last remaining soldier clinging to his shoulder and smirked up at him.

"Furthermore, you should also know that we quit! We saiyans are no longer going to serve under you! We are freeing ourselves from your chains of slavery!" Bardock spat out triumphantly.

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