1. "She needs to go back."

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I was given my essentials in a cardboard box, including my wallet and other stuff like that. But my phone wasn't there, and I knew why. Dr. Hammond wanted me to start off a clear table so as soon as I was getting out, I was going to buy a new phone.

"You must be really happy, getting out." Micah sat next to me on the couch while I was packing my bags.

Micah was a very sweet and caring girl. She was 18 years old and the reason why she was here was because she had an eating disorder. For almost a year the nurses and the psychologists had been trying and pushing her to recovery but somehow her condition was the same or worse. But her disorder didn't affect her personality. She was so sweet to me ever since I came here. When I first walked in through those double doors with my mom and my sister, she came to talk to me. And I still remember her words; No matter how hard it gets, you'll always get over it, that's why we're here. First, I didn't know what that girl was blathering about and I just wanted to be left alone but with time I understood her words more and more. She was also one of the reasons I was here, standing more confident than ever before.

"Yeah, and nervous." I blew air our of my nose.

"I can imagine. But I mean, your life is amazing, I'm sure you'll get back on track very quickly." she wrapped her blanket around her delicate shoulders more tightly.

She didn't really know about my personal life. The only thing I told her was that I lived in New York and had an internship at ELLE magazines. Nothing else.

I zipped my bag closed and threw it on my shoulder.

"Nooo, I'm gonna miss you so much." Micah pouted and stood up to give me a hug.

I hugged her fragile body back and pulled out, still holding her shoulders.

"If I visit you here, promise me you'll feel better then." I whispered.

She bit her inner cheeks and nodded.

She deserved to feel better.

"And thank you so much for helping me recover from everything." I gave her shoulders a squeeze and hugged her once again.

"Thank you for being the big sister I never had." she whispered to my ear.

Honestly, I prayed to God that in maybe two months when I'll come to see her here, she'll be better or at least recovering. The whole time that I stayed here, her condition had been going up and down and at one point she had to to the hospital to get food replacement inserted to her veins. We both had hard times here.

"Ava, your family is here." Sophie appeared in my rooms doorway.

I grabbed Micah's hand and together we left my room to get to the lobby. As we walked, I could hear Micah puffing and taking shirt breaths. Even walking was starting to get too tough for her.

We entered the lobby and the second I saw my mom and dad and my sisters, I walked up to them, tears in my eyes.

"My goodness..." mom gasped quietly and pulled me into a tight.

"Groupie!" Alex giggled and then they all joined our hug and we had a big family hug.

It felt good to be back with the people that I love. The hug felt like a warm welcome to the outside world. But I knew soon they were going to be disappointed and maybe even mad at me. So for now, I just wanted to enjoy their positive presence.

Perfect (Third book to the series Senior Year) - jbTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang