Eat This

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Era sighed unhappily, to be honest, she beginning to feel sick as if she may throw up.

She closed her eyes trying to do her transport of smoke.

"HEY bub!" Astarot's voice echoed off the wall.

She opened her eyes to see him standing before the demon god, doing a funny dance that turned her cheeks red.

She noticed the demon's eyes on the tablet behind him.

Era fell to the ground as Anzu raced for the tablet.

Astarot then, stopping his weird dance, grabbed a spear that was on fire and threw it at Anzu.

The spear hit him in the chest. He disappeared in a puff of Dark candy apple red.

Ignitus then came, covered in scratches, and went straight to her to see if she was alright.

Meta and Luna appeared behind their father and gave Era a great big hug.

"I wouldn't be here if not for Astarot" She turned to him and smiled.

Ignitus went to him to thank the green dragon but instead said "Your a Demon Hunter"  

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