Dragon Town

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The wind blew past Opal's back as her father flew into a hard drift of wind.

As soon as he told her to opened her eyes to see a beautiful plane of ground, buildings checkered the ground sides like a game of chess.

He fell down and landed near a big inn "While your in their don't call me dad call me Ignitus" he said "oh and keep this on" he held up a cloak.

Opal had done as her father said and followed him into the inn, hoping for, something good.

Ignitus lead her to a door, carefully, she entered the room while Ignitus closed the door.

He nodded his head to a chair, directing, her behind it. She didn't know what to do.

Opal suddenly felt a push in her back. She turned to see a pair of black wings with a grey coat on the ends emerge.

Opal felt something crawling up her arm. Soon she didn't know if she was even human. Her form had shifted from human to dragon. (Just like the picture on the second page -Shadow)

Ignitus nodded to her to take off the cloak, revealing, her new shape.

She stepped forward to see a little book on the table.

It looked as if new born dragons were written down here.

She saw her own page but her name had been left blank, guessing, she wrote down the word 'Era' in the name line.

Ignitus closed the book and opened another door.

It lead them outside.

Ignitus opened his wings, collected her and flew down to her house undetected.       

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