The trouble

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Era had been bored out of her mind. The teacher,while in human form, had been tied up and everyone in the room was doing what they wanted to do.

She decided to see her father while chaos echoed around the room. Quietly, she raced over to the teacher with a bathroom note and gave it to the teacher's tied hands and raced out. 


Amducious waited patiently for Allocen. 

He wasn't usually like this but today had taken a change. A single power alert had made his day.

Allocen had just ran into the room with a screen. His mouth closed because of losing a bet.

He showed him the screen and , running through the hallway, was a black and grey dragon with pulsing red energy surrounding it.

"Apep" He said watching the hatchling "I finally have you dumb little boy" Allocen shook his head and made his claws form a picture of female shape.

"A female as the Chosen one?" He asked Allocen nodded his head. Amducious began to laugh a girl the chosen one he stopped laughing for a second "Name?" He asked his right hand demon who typed a name down.

The word 'Era Xiuhcoatl' appeared on the screen. 

The Chosen One (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now