The Serpent Of Fire

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Quietly, Era had been training with Chusi for several days.

After classes both girls would train endlessly. Chusi was the perfect sparing partner.

A sudden noise filled her head. It echoed in her head, bouncing off any thing it could bounce off, painfully.

"Amducious!"A scream echoed in her head. The next she saw was fire and then she was home.

But home no longer existed. The sky had turned blood red and humans fled from dragon fire.

Thousands of screams pierced themselves into her subconscious. Blood trickled down faces.

Era saw her mother carrying two little kids, one was older looking away from the chaos while the other one (Era) watched the disaster with an innocent smile, running from the fires and strange black shadows.

A dark tan dragon flew into her mother's path. It saw her and prepared to fire.

Claw faced fire and dragon faced dragon. Her father flew in and separated the battle. Both dragons flew off.

"Tonya are you okay?" Her father asked. Tonya nodded slightly.

A spear flew past her father's head. She watched as her father was pulled away by a net of metal.

Her baby version raced after her father. Era, the original, ran after her younger self.

She saw a dragon captured by metal his rescuer waddled towards him.

The baby was stopped by two human men. The men fell for the baby thinking it to be an orphan. 

The baby began to turn red but was engulfed in flames of rage. Thousands of humans ran to put out the burning fire but were left in blood and ash.

Dragons flew away from the flames some were lucky the rest met the same fate as thousands of humans. Blood and Ash.

A dragon head of fire raised itself from the fire and let out a piercing scream that sent fear into the remaining dragons and survivors of the human race including her mother.

Then ,suddenly, they all turned Era's way, raising either claws or finger, pointing at her chanting "Xiuhcoatl"

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